A/N + welcome (fun part!)

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This is mostly just an "about the author" so I hope it's not too boring.

Small request

*My top priority is the safety and comfort of my readers so please comment if I could be doing something differently

About me

I won't be disclosing my name for privacy reasons but I'll just call myself A❤️
My pronouns are she/they and I'm a proud bisexual 🏳️‍🌈

I'm from England so terms and phrases in this story will be British (sorry for any confusion)
I'm autistic and since I can't write from experience about being neurotypical my OC is also on the spectrum! This helps me to feel more confident about making sense when I write and has the added bonus of real representation! To all my autistic readers, I hope you feel seen ❤️
I'm east Asian. This by no means implies I can relate to all experiences of POC, but many of us are united under the pressures of looking different in a white dominated country. I do intend to incorporate a tiny bit of this into my story but there won't be details because that's uncomfy for me.

You'll notice a lot of similarities between myself and the main character in this book. This is because I tend to overthink about whether or not I've got the right idea about how other people feel. I dislike when people assume things about me and I'd hate to be the one assuming things about someone else.

One day I hope to be brave enough to write characters even more wonderful people can relate to. For now though, since I have yet to find a single story about someone like me I've decided to take matters into my own hands.

And that brings me to why I'm even doing this. I've been a fan of TMR for years and years and years. Over those years I discovered Wattpad and the creative minds of other fans. I've read practically EVERY one out there and yet I'm still not over the world or the characters.
Recently I watched GOTG3 and saw Adam warlock had been played by the legend himself, Will Poulter...
And immediately I was hooked again
What better way to get more out of Gally than to bring him to life myself, my way?

So again,
Thank you for being here and reading my story
My next post will be about my OC so I can start the story with everyone on the same page
I hope you guys enjoy every moment

Gally X OCWhere stories live. Discover now