chapter 7

24 1 4

3rd person

When Gally woke, he'd almost forgotten the events of the night before until he felt something shift beside him. His arms were wrapped securely around Amber's warm body and he looked down at her, unable to stop his lips from curving up into a smile.

He could've sworn she was perfectly sculpted from wax. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was steady. She wore an expression of pure contentment. Sunlight shone through the curtains into the hut, illuminating her face at the perfect angle.

Gally's cheeks ached from smiling so much, but he didn't mind. He could stay like this forever and never get tired of it.

Amber's eyes fluttered open and immediately met with Gally's. She felt strong arms wrapped around her and her heart did somersaults. She could've sworn her heart stopped beating as she felt her face get hot, but she couldn't help but feel calm at the sight of Gally smiling down at her.

"Morning," he greeted, turning his smile into a grin. He still didn't release her from his embrace, holding her close so their faces were inches apart.

"Hi," Amber whispered back. She dreaded the moment she had to leave his company to try out new work in the glade.

"How're you feeling?" Gally asked sympathetically, knowing how the next morning could be after a nightmare. Amber's eyebrows furrowed and she sat up with her back against the headboard. Gally followed suit, placing his hands in his lap awkwardly.

"I'm not sure." Her voice was quiet and a little uneasy and she looked down at her hands. "You said you get these dreams too," Amber stated and Gally nodded. "What does this mean? Why are we allowed to remember?"

Gally took a deep breath and sighed. "I don't know. Nobody else remembers anything at all. It's strange, when I have these dreams it's like the only thing I can remember is my memories with you and nothing else. Only, I couldn't see your face until you came up in the box. It's almost like it's all on purpose."

Amber stayed silent. This meant he knew. He knew about their relationship before the glade even more than she did. She wanted to ask him about it
She wanted to remember everything she could.

But she knew things wouldn't be the same. She didn't have memories about herself and he didn't have memories about himself. They wouldn't be the same people.

Amber found herself sinking into the feeling she had when she first entered the glade. She had no idea who she was, no idea if she could ever be the same.

Gally noticed her deep in thought. She looked hopeless and lost and he felt an overwhelming urge to help her. So he did. He draped his arm over her shoulder and, apparently, that's all he needed to do.

Amber did the rest herself, putting her head back onto his chest and sighing softly, allowing herself to relax into him. Gally's hand dropped to her back, soothing her gently by rubbing small circles into her skin.

"If you have another nightmare, you come tell me. You got that? Don't hesitate even for a second." His voice was stern, but it brought Amber comfort. She nodded slowly.

Gally tucked a hair behind her ear and smiled at her, as if to say everything would be just fine. Amber smiled back. Maybe they could be close again without their memories. It was already looking that way.

"Breakfast?" Gally suggested, seeming to light up at the thought. "I'm starving!"


It had been a week since Amber came up in the box, and she had finished trying out all the jobs she could do. She never tried out to work in the slaughterhouse, though. It was far too gory.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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