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Life is emotionally abusive.


The whole group along with Yeonjun, Soobin and Chan's met up at a cafe after that and San informed them about Wooyoung missing. Yeosang was far beyond mad. He slammed his hands on the table they were all sitting on attracting attention from others around them.

"What do you mean you lost him?"

"Yeosang.", Hongjoong called him in an attempt to get him to sit back down. But he ignored.

"So you're telling me we're all sitting here having a cup of latte with some fruit cakes and enjoying the food while my best friend is missing and you happened to be the last person he was with and you just expect me to sit still and do nothing? To stay calm and act like he might not be in danger right now or even worse dead?"

"I- we got into an argument and he was really really mad so he just left and I tried to stop him I really did but he wasn't listening and I know I should've tried harder, it's all my fault-"

"YES YOU BET IT IS!", Yeosang screamed.

"Yeosang.", Hongjoong called him again.


The attention they were starting to receive was getting out of hand.

"Yeosang please just sit the fuck down. We're all just as worried as you are. But don't take it out on San, he's already dealing with so much shit. They got into an argument, yes but so do every other couple. You and Jongho fight sometimes too you both literally ignored each other for three days after one of your petty arguments over him refusing to buy you chicken, Hongjoong and I fight as well, I'm sure Yunho and Mingi do over moral loyalty. It's normal. And you've been friends with Wooyoung since you were young, you should know by now how he gets when hes angry. It's not San's fault. It's not anyone's. The best we can do right now is comfort each other and hope the police finds him. Not get angry with each other, screaming and blaming each other, okay?", Seonghwa told him in a calm voice. Yeosang sat back down, still angry but nodded either way.

"We'll find him. It's okay. We'll find him", Chan told them, reassuringly, in a soothing voice.


It had been a week. A week since Wooyoung went missing. San would sit in his room all day and cry hoping Wooyoung would walk in at any point. Hoping he wasn't dead and he was purely okay. Hoping he was only just lost and would eventually find his way back. Hoping there was nothing wrong with him and he'd eaten. Hoping that he was at least safe.

The rest of the group would occasionally, if not always, checkup on him and ask about Wooyoung's whereabouts and it broke his heart for everytime he said the police still hadn't found him.

It'd been a whole week and San was in his bed at night trying hard to sleep. Thinking of happy thoughts. Of the times him and Wooyoung spent together. When they weren't fighting. Before they started dating. The wholesome moments that made him fall so badly in love.

The time Wooyoung hugged him after scoring two points higher than Yeonjun. How angry he looked when San won against him and his cute pout. The times they'd sleep in and end up going to school late. He tried hard thinking happy thoughts but it always was replaced him Wooyoung in danger. Possibly dead. Wooyoung being scared, lonely, terrified, more angry than he was before.

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