Almost Famous

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Trial Brief, a fourteen-year-old quarter Saiyan girl, went to a restaurant to get something to eat as she attempt to eat another meal but is disturbed by a hostage situation when she stumbled across the situation, leaving her meals behind.

The criminals began to cause havoc and Trial intervened, so she took out both of the criminals easily with her strength, scaring off everyone who have seen her like she was like some kind of monster. She doesn't know what their deal is, but she doesn't care at all. Although she tried to be famous, but almost famous as usual.

Every time she attempt to give everyone's attention by showing her strength, everyone took off running as they thought she was a freak.

Well, let's just say she is indeed a quarter Saiyan after all. Unlike her father who is a Saiyan.

With everyone gone, Trial decided to head back to the restaurant but she was asked to leave by an owner after they had seen everything. She had no idea what was their problem. They never liked her, not only they thought of her as a freak.

To her, if they called her a freak or everyone was too scared of her, she doesn't care. Trial can save the days, but nobody appreciates her for saving them from danger.

When the sun is coming down, Trial was walking down the streets alone before she could go home. The lock of her hair shifted over her dark purple hoodie while her dark purple cap revealed her blue streak that looked like she has her father's hair after she has undo her ponytail. Well, her hair has long black and she has a blue streak on her hair bank.

She got a text from her mother who asked her when will she come home because it was getting too late, so she responded to her saying she'll be home at eight in the noon.

A light switched on as it revealed Trial who continued walking down the street. However, it was awfully quiet in the city. Trial was remain one.

Suddenly, the television was on from the window store when the screech television was revealed to be the news channel. Trial curiously looked over the television and watched the news channel.

"In other news, today marks the 30th anniversary of the defeat of the androids and the 20th anniversary of the defeat of Goku Black. Defeated by Trunks Brief, the son of his late mother Bulma Brief of Capsule Corporation." The news reporter said while Trial was listening to the news carefully, "He went back in time and stop the android's menace and Goku Black ending decades of misery. The Earth is forever grateful to him as we finally live in peace."

While watching the news, Trial let out a sigh as she began to smile in relief. She was feeling proud of her dad for being a hero to the Earth. She must say he was the only one left to defend Earth, but she will be the one who can be the defender of Earth. Her father is no longer the last one. He has her mother and her. His family.

Trial would like to be proud of her father for being the best defender there is. One day when she got older, she could be the best defender in order to protect Earth. Unlike Goku Son that she heard so many stories about him. Not only she could travel back through to save the future.

She let out a chuckle saying, "Nice one, Dad."

Then she continued to walk down the street, heading her way to the Capsule Corporation the place she called home.

She had to admit it, she almost become famous like her dad.

The End

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