Chapter 4

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Important plot points:

1. Wukong is appointed the position Ban-Horse-Plague, which basically means he takes care of the celestial horses
2. Wukong finds out that he's the lowest of the low in rank in heaven and quits, goes back to Flower Fruit Mountain, and calls himself Great Sage Equal to Heaven
3. Heaven sends multiple troops to stop Wukong from causing trouble, to no avail, and decide to just let Wukong have the title and come live in heaven on the condition that he'll stop wreaking havoc


This chapters begins right where the last left off. Wukong and the Gold Star of Venus head for the Southern Heaven Gate, and after a brief outburst by Wukong due to the guards not recognizing him, they make it to the Jade Emperor. Wukong barely bows to him, refusing to prostrate himself as is the proper way to greet the Jade Emperor. Regardless of his poor manners, the Jade Emperor gives Wukong the role of Ban-Horse-Plague, which is basically the role of overseeing the heavenly horses.

Everything goes smoothly for about a month until one day, during a banquet, wukong asks what rank he is, and finds out that he is the pretty much the lowest possible rank. Wukong flips the banquet table and smashes everything in sight all the way out of heaven and flies back to Flower Fruit Mountain.

When Wukong gets back to his home, he tells everyone of the "embarrassing" post he received. Two demons suggest that he instead calls himself the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, and Wukong loves the idea so much that he immediately orders banners to be made with this name and that everyone must address him as such from now on.

Meanwhile, the Jade Emperor hears of Wukong's temper tantrum and sends down troops to capture him, headed by the Deveraja Li and Prince Nehza(or Nata). They first send in the Mighty Spirit-God to try and subdue him. The Mighty Spirit God begins by asking Wukong if he recognizes him, to which Wukong replies "what sort of dullwitted deity are you? Old Monkey has yet to meet you!" 

The two of them battle and Wukong easily wind. Then they send out Lrince Nehza, who Wukong mocks and teases for being too young. The two of them fight for a while but Wukong ultimately wins as well. When the Jade Emperor hears that Wukong refuses to be captured he orders that he must then be executed. However, the Gold Star of Venus suggests that maybe instead of starting a full on war it's just be a better idea to let Wukong be called Great Sage Equal to Heaven since the title would really carry no real wage or duty. The Jade Emperor agrees and this Wukong is officially given the title.

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