Chapter 5

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Important plot points:

1. Wukong is given his post of the caretaker of the garden of immortal peaches
2. Wukong eats about a third of the peaches, drinks most of the heavenly wine, eats all of Laozi's pills of immortality, and then leaves back to flower fruit mountain to escape the consequences of his actions
3. The Jade Emperor learns about Wukong's unruly behavior and sends over 100,000 celestial warriors to capture Wukong
4. Wukong is thus far undefeated, having easily beat back every soldier who attempted to capture him


Wukong has just received his official title of Great Sage Equal to Heaven and is living every day doing nothing but making friends and exploring heaven. In fear of Wukong becoming unruly, the Jade Emperor gives Wukong the job of taking care of the garden of immortal peaches, because the least tempting job to give an impulsive, peach loving monkey is the position of taking care of a garden of peaches.

Wukong does a pretty good job of caring for the garden but once the peaches start to actually grow, he begins eating out an entire third of the garden's fruits. When the Queen Mother declares that she would throw a festival of immortal peaches, 7 immortal maidens go to pick the peaches for the festival but find the lack of peaches. Wukong paralyzes the 7 maidens and leaves to find out if he had been invited to the festival.

He redirects someone who he knew had been invited under false pretenses so he can enter in his place. However, once he entered he immediately smelled the wine and got side tracked. He creates a bunch of sleep inducing bugs and puts to sleep the wine bearers and immediately gets drunk. He then decides to go home to sleep off the drunkenness, but gets lost and arrives at Laozi's residence instead. He enters and after about 5 seconds of looking around finds the entire stock of heaven's pills of immortality, which are unguarded despite apparently being "the greatest treasure of immortals".

Wukong suddenly realizes just how much trouble he's about to be in and immediately makes himself invisible and heads straight back to Flower Fruit Mountain. He then realized that none of his subjects or friends have ever had the opportunity to try the heavenly wine that he has had, and so he makes a brief trip back to heaven to steal some more wine and brings it back home.

The next day, the Jade Emperor begins receiving countless reports about some unknown person running around causing trouble, plus Wukong being missing from his residence in heaven, and he immediately orders that Wukong should be arrested. Over 100,000 warriors, including many Devarājas, the 28 constellations, and Prince Nehza. They all go down to Flower Fruit Mountain, creating an unbreakable perimeter around it, and versions groups of warriors challenge Wukong to a fight, and none are successful in capturing him as Wukong easily beats them back with his stick. The celestial armies regroup to discuss new battle plans to capture Wukong.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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