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Juliet Ivory

I made it home to see my fiancé's car outside. Me and Malcom have been together 5 years and he proposed last Christmas. He's just star tree d his residency and is becoming a surgeon.

I walked in the house and sat my stuff down.

He walked out the kitchen.

Malcom - hey babe. I only stopped in for a quick bite. I have to be back at the hospital in 20 minutes. How was your first day?

Juliet - I had a interesting patient. You remember " The Revenge Killer" ?

Malcom - yeah, honestly they should'be given him the electric chair , I feel like the plea that he was criminally insane wasn't right. He killed them in cold blood.

Juliet - he's one of my patients. I talked to him today.

Malcom- about?

Juliet - he told me why he did it. My goal is to rehabilitate him.

Malcom - you can't rehabilitate a cold blooded killer.

Juliet - don't doubt me.

Malcom - when I finish my residency, you can quit that job.

Juliet - I told you, I didn't want to be a kept woman. I'm not some trophy wife. I didn't go to school to end up a trophy wife.

Malcom - this silly-

Juliet - silly?

Malcom - I didn't mean it like that.

Juliet - then what did you mean?

Malcom - I just want to take care of you. That job is silly. You can't fix broken people.

Juliet - you can take care of me right now.

I grabbed his tie.

Malcom - I have to be back in 20 minutes.

Juliet - and you only last for 5 minutes, so you're good.

Malcom - don't play with me.

Juliet - who's playing.

Malcom - I'll see you later.

He walked out , pissed.

I probably shouldn't have gotten him mad, but he should watch what comes out his mouth.

Angelo Abrams

Blake threw my tray of food into the slot below my door.

Angelo - you can be a little nicer bitch.

Blake - you don't deserve kindness, you're a murder.

Angelo - you been treating me like shit since the day , you started here. Is it because of Nikki? She comes onto me. It's not my fault , I don't deny her of what she wants man. If it makes it any better she's not all that good to be honest. I just fuck her because I got needs. I'm sure you understand.

Blake - rot in hell.

Angelo - if you would open your mouth and tell her how you feel, she wouldn't be fucking me , now would she?

He walked off , slamming the slot door shut. I can't even eat my food because he toss the plate in here and the food went everywhere.  I'm already skinny, that bitch tryna make me waste away.

Nikki walked in.

Nikki - clean up this mess.

Angelo - I didn't do it. It was Blake's bitch ass.  He got mad at me because of you.

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