Chiaki's Weakness/Kokichi's Pranks

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[The Following Chapter includes; swearing, self doubt and pranks]


Chiaki had one weakness, puzzle games.

She was good at them, but they were the one thing she could never 100%. They stressed her out sometimes, she may be smart but she isn't puzzle smart. She just started to ignore those kinds of games, so what's the problem then?

The Ultimate Puzzle Master challenged her to one, she accepted because she's the Ultimate Gamer.

Because of this, Chiaki has been stressing less about school and more about the challenge in a week. She'd been stressed out for 2 days before Hajime and Nagito noticed something else was wrong, they knew she was challenged but they didn't think it was so stressful to the Ultimate Gamer.

"Hey Chiaki, you look more stressed than usual, what's up?" Hajime looked at his troubled friend, she was playing a Tears of the Kingdom on her switch and hitting the controls much rougher than before.

Nagito sat down on the other side of Chiaki, asking "yeah you don't look so good, after that challenge from the Ultimate Puzzler Master you've been less... yourself- where's that hope gone?"

Chiaki ignored them, she wasn't paying much mind to the real world at the moment so Hajime poked her shoulder. "Mm?"

"Chiaki, what's going on? Is that challenge really getting to you?"

Chiaki paused for a moment, then nodded.

"Why so Chiaki? You're the Ultimate Gamer, a sign of hope to the world~! A much better one then m-"


"Sorry- not the time... But still! Nanami-san talk to us please."

The girl sighed, she knew she wasn't going to hide her stress for long. "I... I'm not good at puzzle games."

"... that's it?"

"Yes. they stress me out and I've never successfully completed all the games because of them.."

"Oh Nanami-san! Even if you win or lose you'll still be the Ultimate Gamer, right?" Nagito smiled, he never gave up on anyone even if it's just for hope.

"Yeah but... already knowing you'll fail hurts. Also please, just call me Chiaki.." she sighed and turned off her game, leaning back in her chair.

"Right, anything for an Ultimate! Na-Chiaki-san!"

Chiaki sighed but gave a little smile, "Thank you, Nagito."

"How about you practice? We can help you with it, it's not like we have much to do." Hajime suggested, Chiaki raise her brow. "It'd be better than going straight in and feeling like a loser afterwards, practicing tends to help me feel better even if I get a poor mark on my test. At least you'll be trying, right?"

Chiaki thought for a moment, he was right, sitting here won't do much for her. "Yeah.. that might work."

"Good thinking Hajime, I expected nothing less from an Ultimate like you!" Nagito has gotten used to friends asking him for some help, so he's stopped being so weird over it. Can't say the same from strangers though.. In the school at least.

"So what games do you have in mind then, Hajime?"



And so, they spent the rest of the week after school and during lunches helping Chiaki learn puzzle games. Admittedly, Chiaki started to enjoy them now with all their help, she thanked them every time they helped her. They had a lot of laughs and new fun memories from helping her too. Nagito and Hajime fighting over which is the right answer, Chiaki messing up on her own turns over little things, them all complaining when something made no sense to them. They enjoyed it, together!

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