A curse in Wonderland.

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The Queen of Hearts sat high upon her throne as her guards brought in their recent catch, none other than Alistair Wonderland, Bunny Blanc and Heja Dum. Alistair had a look that gave the impression he found being caught to be a waste of his time, whilst Bunny had her ears down, signalling she was nervous. Heja was grinning, knowing that he would go right back to exploring the grounds once he was set free.

The Queen looked irritated to have to see them. "If my guards catch any of you exploring again, it's off with your heads!" She yelled, her voice echoing through the halls of her palace.


Bea Dee and Anathea were too busy climbing the trees to assist Apple White with her treefitying, which Anathea had made adjustments to the streamers used for treefitying to become environmentally friendly. They were gossiping at the top of a tree whilst Apple White and Raven Queen decorated the trunk ready for the Spring Festival.

They could oversee the whole faire, and Bea had pointed out the dragon corn stand, where they'd no doubtedly wound up for most of the faire. Then to Blondie, who was filming for her podcast. Anathea pointed out the Brothers Grimm, who were having a friendly competition at a ball-throwing stand. Then to Sparrow, and both girls burst into giggles as someone threw a ball at the target, and Sparrow fell straight into the pool of water, along with his electric guitar. Then they glanced to Ashlynn Ella, who was with her rebel boyfriend, Hunter. Then Bea spotted a fellow Wonderlandian, Kitty Cheshire, up to no good once again.


Heja sat with his feet dipped into the water and his back against the tree with Bunny, whilst Alistair paced back and forth to their left. "The curse on Wonderland had made the Queen of Hearts afraid!" He huffed as he threw a stone into the water. Heja watched in curiosity as the pebble skipped through the water for a few seconds before sinking a few feet out. Heja was about to say something before Alistair continued. "Afraid that if anything happened to upset the balance, that green encircling chaos will close in and destroy Wonderland." He pointed up to the smokey cloud of the Evil Queen's magic, swirling above Wonderland. "One day, I'll solve the riddle and lift the curs-"

"I think it's pretty." Heja inturrupted his speech. Both his friends gave him stunned looks, before Bunny spoke.

"I think you're growing more odd everyday you're apart from Bea." Bunny commented under her breath, but Heja and Alistair shared a look as they both heard it.

Bea had been the other half to Heja, their destinies were conjoined, to be the new Tweedle dee and Tweedle Dum after their parents. And now Heja was trapped in Wonderland whilst Bea got to thrive in Ever After with Anathea, their childhood friend.

Alistair's eyes glassed over as he sat next to Bunny and focused on the river. "What is that...?" He asked himself as he leant forward, and as Heja followed his gaze he noticed a purple glow in the river.

"No way!" Heja pushed Alistair out of the way and fished into the river for the glowing object, and pulled out a soaked storybook of legends. "Do you know what this means?!" He turned back to Bunny and Alistair, ignorjng how the water from the book dripped onto his shoes.

"What?" Alistair gave him a clueless look. Heja found him to be really stupid at times.

"If the book is in our world then that means there's an unsealed portal!" Heja cheered, rocking excitedly on his feet.

"This way!" Bunny pointed to the flowing stream, and the trio set out to follow the stream to the newfound portal.


The Queen twins stood either side of the well of wonder as rainbow liquid seeped out. Sara watched as Lizzie ran her hand through the water, humming a melody their mother used to sing, to inspire creativity for Lizzie's Spring Fairest dresses.

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