Almost a happily ever after

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As the trio fell through the portal they tumbled about through the water, and Alistair watched helplessly as the Cheshire Cat picked Heja out of the water, and left Alistair and Bunny to fall through the whirlpool. "Heja!" Alistair called out helplessly, but it was no use. Neither was how Heja threw himself about in Cheshire's claws. They dissapeared around the corner.


Laughing filled the air as the faire continued on. Ella, one of the new TA's at Ever After High, watched in amusment as Kitty Cheshire set up a big prank on the Ferris Wheel. But her amusment was short-lived when Nick appeared behind her, announcing his prescence by clearing his throat.

"Aren't you going to scold her? You're supposed to be a role model y'know." Nick said, eyebrow raised in expectation.

"She's not doing any real harm, is she?" Ella asked with a small smirk, with no intention to scold Kitty for the prank she'd just pulled. Nick only rolled his eyes and moved on.


Nick slowly made his way back over to his sister, who he quickly noticed was sat with Bea and Anathea, who clearly had found the chef showdown to be their new focus instead of the stray cats. Nick watched silently, unsure whether to intervene as the contestants in the chef showdown started arguing with, none other than, Kitty. How she travelled so fast was beknownst to Nick.

"Wow, hey! Lighten up!" Kitty defended herself as she stood up, cotton candy in one hand and an ice cream in the other. "Gotta admit, it was really funny! Don't you agree?" She turned to Bea and Anathea, who had opposite answers as Bea nodded and Thea shool her head.

"Look," Kitty vanished then reappeared infront of Lizzie, Briar, Cerise, Ashlynn and Justine. "If you all can't take a little joke- Woah! Alistair?" Kitty dropped her food and ran past the girls and down the steps. When Nick's gaze followed her, he noticed Alistair Wonderland.

Maddie followed Kitty as she laughed in excitement, and Bea squinted (since they'd forgotten their glasses) before letting out a gasp, and pulled Lizzie and Nick down the steps and towards the Wonderlandians (that shouldn't be there).

"I don't believe it!" Lizzie grinned as the Ever After Wonderlandians ran at the two. Maddie and Kitty almost knocked Alistair down as they hugged him tightly. Bea practically jumped on Alistair, which did knock him to the ground, and the Hearts twins also joined the pile.

"Oh my god!" Bea kept repeating as they hugged their old friend. Although it was less like a hug and more of Bea clinging to Alistair like a Koala.

"Who is this?" A voice asked once the hug had broken apart.

"Meet our good friend, Alistair Wonderland!" Maddie grinned as she wrapped an arm around Alistair's waist and gave him a happy side hug. "None other than the son of the famous Alice!" The crowd that had formed around them gasped, and murmured with excitement.

"Is that..." Lizzie trailed off as she pointed to the white rabbit in Alistair's arms.

"It's Bunny!" Alistair smiled.

The rabbit jumped off of his arms and transformed midair into "Bunny Blanc, daughter of the White Rabbit." She took a stage bow to entertain the audience.

Sparrow cheered. "Woah! You're a girl? Sweet fairy fir-" Joanna, daughter of Athena, backhanded him so hard that his hat flew off and landed at Bunny's feet.

"It's been such a long time-" Lizzie began.

"-since we saw eachother last-" Sara continued.

"-in wonderland!" The twins sighed in unison.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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