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(This whole book will be in Dom's pov)

Why did they have to bring me here? They keep saying that I'm a danger to people. If I'm a danger to anyone, it's myself.

Why can't they just leave me alone?

"It's only for a few months Dom, I promise you'll be back home soon," my mum says, smiling. My sisters were cowering behind her, afraid of me after what I did yesterday. I don't blame them for being scared, I did some pretty fooked up shit.

I looked at my mum blankly as the nurse came into the room.

"Are you settling in well Dominic," she asked me.

I don't want to talk to anyone, my thoughts belong in my mind and that's where they're going to stay.

"Yes, he's doing fine," mum answered for me.

"Alright, we're gonna need to get ready for some tests so I'm gonna ask you to leave," the nurse said to her.

Tests? I'm not a fooking psycho.

Well...maybe just a little.

"Okay, Dominic be good and we'll come and visit you every weekend. Say goodbye girls," my mum nudged Liz and Jem a bit.

"Bye," they spoke barely above a whisper.

"Miss you already," mum chuckled as she and the girls walked through the door and left me.

The doctor turned to me before saying "So Dominic, I don't want you to get nervous about these tests okay? We're just gonna scan your brain, take a little bit of your urine and then I'm gonna ask you some questions, sound good?"

I nodded.

I've had way worse done to me.

Like...WAY worse.

"Kay, follow me," she smiles.

I get off the bed I was on and follow her out of 'my' room and down the hall to a different room labeled 'brain scans'.

We walk into the room and we're met with a machine about 7ft long made with a white plastic material.

"Okay Dominic, I need you to lay down in there and you have to stay still for the scan," the nurse instructs as she pulls a bed out of the machine or whatever.

She wants me to get in the thing?! Hell nah bruv.

I slowly started tiptoeing backwards as my breathing quickened. "It's alright Dominic. I promise it's safe, you don't even feel anything."

I stopped moving and looked at the machine then to her and back to the machine. I let out a quiet sigh and sat down in it and then laid back.

"Very good now sit still," she says as she starts to move the bed back into the machine.

I'm gonna be honest, sitting still is not something I'm very good at. You could tell me a thousand times and I wouldn't be able to.

I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as the nurse I still don't know the name of presses some buttons on the machine and I feel it power on.

My breathing speed increased a little until she said "okay all done."

That's it?

She pulled the bed back out and I immediately jumped off of it. "Told ya you wouldn't feel anything," she smiles and I roll my eyes.

She wrote something down on the clipboard she's holding and then tells me to follow her as she walks out of the room. She lead me back to 'my' room and I sat down on the bed after she told me while she pulled a chair next to the me.

"Now I'm gonna ask you some questions." I nod.

"True or false, do you have any fears you would like me or another employee to know about?"

I made a T out of my fingers and she wrote something on the clipboard after.

I've got a lot of fears; being rejected, those weird people that show up randomly, and the fookin birds in Australia. They look like the fooking devil, not even kidding.

"Do you have any hobbies or things that you enjoy doing?"

I nodded while playing with my pink socks subconsciously.

"Can you tell me what they are so maybe I can understand you a bit more," she asks. I stared at her as if she was the dumbest creature ever to exist.

"Worth a shot," she smiles and hands me a notebook and a pen.

I looked at her and to the notebook before jotting down the long list of things I enjoy.

Playing guitar (bass and acoustic)


Writing (mostly songs or poems)


Listening to music

Playing Footie

After I finished writing, I gave her the notebook and she read the list and smiled afterwards.

"You play guitar? We can get you one if you'd like or maybe you can ask your mum to bring yours here," she said.

I nodded, not even caring about what she had to say. I just want to get out of here and be back with my friends.

At least they can actually get me to smile or even laugh.

"Okay, last question, on a scale of one to ten, how are you feeling right now?"

As I thought about my answer, a doctor came into the room.

"Nurse Phoebe, the brain test results are back," he says.

Oh, so that's her name.

"Okay, I'll be right there to check them out. Stay here Dominic," Phoebe told me as she stood up and walked out of the room with the doctor.

They left me all alone.

What a stupid mistake...


Heyyy, what do ya think of this first chapter?

I think this book is gonna do really good even though I'm gonna make it pretty short

Next chapter will be out soon!



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