2 hours later...

"Hah, I win," Phoebe laughs once again after winning a game of tic tac toe.

I actually let out a little laugh and a wide smile.

"There's that smile!"

This time, I don't hide it and just let it show and she seems to be happy about that.

"Alright, well I need to go check on my other patients and you need to get to sleep, I'll see you in the morning though," she smiled.

I nod and she smiled a little wider.

"G'Night Dominic," she says before leaving my room after turning the lights off.

As soon as she left, the shadow man appeared. I sigh, if only she stayed longer.

"She doesn't actually care about you, she's just doing her job," he says.

"Yeah well she's doing a good job," I tell him coldly as I turn to my side and pull the covers over me.

I try my best to ignore the shadow's gaze as I slowly fall asleep.


"Dom," Liz laughs "come play with us!"

I chuckle as she leads me to her and Jem's doll house that they begged me to buy them for Christmas.

"What do you think," Jem asks.

They've been in here for hours trying to build this fing and decorate it.

"I luv it, you girls did a good job," I smile and they jump up and down out of excitement.

The shadow man appears from behind the doll house.

"Destroy the house," he says.

His white eyes mesmerized me and I was under his spell. He could tell me to do anything and I'd listen to him.

That's exactly what I did.

I grabbed the side of the house and pulled until it broke and did the same on the other side.

"DOMINIC WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! STOP IT!!!" Jem and Liz were sobbing while trying to stop me.

"Come on, you can do better than that," the shadow snickers.

I stand up and kick the house over and then grab one of the dolls and tear it's head off. I do the same process with the other dolls and destroy as much of the stuff I can.


Mum comes in the room and breaks me out of the shadow's curse but it was too late, everything was destroyed.

The shadow disappeared long ago leaving me confused and...angry.

That was the first time I saw him and since then, I haven't talked to anyone else.

*Flashback over*

In the morning...

"Dominic, wake up!! You need to head to breakfast and after I'm gonna take you to your therapist," Phoebe shouted.

I groan tiredly as she pulls the blanket away and I was left on the cold bed.

"Get up sleepy head!"

I open my eyes and glare at her.

"You can be mad at me but it's my job to make sure you're safe and healthy," she says and I roll my eyes and sit up.

"Get dressed and stuff and then I'll lead you to the cafeteria," she instructs before walking out of the room.

"Using the girl as protection from me? Pathetic."

The shadow scoffs at me.

I ignored him and changed into an all black hoodie, gray sweatpants and my signature pink socks before stepping out of the bathroom and out of the room.

I followed Phoebe around like a lost child to the cafeteria when I notice the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.  She has short blonde hair that's shaved on one side and the other side is a bit short. She doesn't notice me staring but Phoebe does.

"Ooooh, you got a crush on Hanna," she chuckles. I roll my eyes and get in line to get food. When it's finally my turn, I get the smallest meal on the menu and then look for a seat.

I found a seat in a corner without anyone else at the table and sit down. Phoebe finds me in the sea of other messed up teens and sits next to me, her plate full of food.

"That's all your eating," she asked me and I nodded.

I usually skip breakfast so I'm not really hungry.

It only took me three minutes and I finished the small meal I had. "Okay, well you can go back to your room. I have to stay here and check on my other patients. I'll meet with you later and bring you to your therapist," she says. I nodded once again and got up from the table. I threw my trash away then walked out of the cafeteria and back to 'my room'.

Ugh, I really hate calling it that.

As soon as I opened the door, he was there.

The shadow.

He didn't say anything, just stared at me. His pale eyes glaring deep into my soul.

I tried my best to ignore his gaze and laid out on the very uncomfortable bed.

It felt like forever had passed and he was still there, staring at me. If only I could somehow make him go away.

Knock, knock.

I turned my head to the door, the shadow long gone. I got up from the bed and opened it hesitantly.

I was expecting to see Phoebe or maybe another nurse but no. It was the girl.




I know it's been awhile since I've updated this but I'm trying my hardest between school and my other books

I'll update as much as possible tho

Luv u guys



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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