Tw: self harm and needle

Of course, I'm not gonna listen to Phoebe. No one controls my life, not even me.

I got off the bed and looked through the backpack my mum packed for me until I found what I was looking for....

Razor blades.

I took one and put the pack back into my bag and walked to the restroom and sat down on the toilet.

"Yes Dominic, do it," the shadow man says. He shows up everyone time I do something like this.

I pulled up the sleeve of my hoodie up and it revealed my already scar covered wrist. That's only one arm too.

I pushed the blade down to my wrist until it punctured my skin and the crimson liquid flowed out. The sting is the best part of this thing, it reminds me why I do it.

"Good, now hide it before the nurse comes back," the shadow says.

I licked away the blood but when it didn't stop bleeding, I found a band aid under the sink and put it over the wound.

I shoved the blade into the pockets of my hoodie and crawled back into the bed just before Phoebe came back in with a cup in her hands.

"Hello again, glad to see you listened. I need you to pee in this cup and then after, we're gonna get it examined and get a sample of your blood as well," she said as she hands me the cup.

"When you're done, put the cup in the metal box thingy," she instructs.

I nodded, walked back into the restroom, did my business, put the cup in the metal thingy, washed my hands and walked back to the bed and sat down.

"Now, we're just gonna take your blood," she explained as she held up some kind of crazy invention thing with a needle and a squishy brain thing.

"Squeeze this so I can find your vein," she explains while gesturing to the squishy brain I'm now holding.

Personally, I think my method for getting blood out is much easier than this but, I'm no doctor so...

I did as instructed and squeezed the brain and watched as Phoebe found my vein and inserted the syringe into it.

I felt nothing but a little sting and then she pulled the syringe out of my skin. It was now filled with that crimson color I love to see.

"Do you feel a little dizzy," Phoebe asked me.

I didn't even realize that the room was spinning a little as I was so focused on my blood.

I nodded and she gave me a biscuit.(cookie if ur American like me)

"Eat that, it'll help."

I did as told and took a bite out of it, the room instantly stopped spinning as I swallowed it.

Ooooh, It's chocolate chip!

I happily ate the rest of the biscuit and I didn't even realize I was smiling until Phoebe said something.

"So you love cookies, got it," she chuckled. I forced my smile to drop so she wouldn't see it but I was secretly still grinning inside.

"Well that's all for now, I'm gonna give your blood to the lab and then you can get some rest or draw if you want. Tomorrow, you're gonna have a session with your therapist in the morning," she explained. "Lights out at 10."

She walked out of the room, bringing all the equipment with her.

I sigh contently. Finally, some me time!

I looked around the tiny room, there's nothing...just a journal and pen.

On second thought, I kinda wish she came back. At least then I'd have some entertainment.  The sad thing is that they wouldn't even let me keep my phone. Said I couldn't keep it in here. Those twats.

I sighed as I grabbed the journal and pen. I flipped to a new page and thought about what I could write or draw.

"There's a pocket knife in your bag."

I looked up from the journal to see the shadow man again.

"I already cut today," I said to him. He's the only fing I talk to.

"Grab the knife if you know what's good for you," he growled.

I made a rule for myself that I only cut once a day, that's it. He can't make me do this. I won't let him.

"No," I stood up.

He took a step closer to me and put his shadowy hand on my shoulder. "I said, grab the knife."

"I said no."

He stared deep in my soul with his white eyes, looking for any sign of weakness in them.

"Dominic, are you alright in there," Phoebe knocked on the door. I turned to look back at the shadow man but he disappeared.

I don't answer her and go back to my bed.

The shadow guy has never showed up when I'm with someone else, hopefully he will stay away if she's here.

"Everything alright," she asked me again as she walked into the room.

I nod and laid back down in the bed and she sat next to me in the chair, once again. Maybe she can help me out...

I grab the journal and pen and right down 'can u stay here for a while?'

"Yeah of course, do you wanna play a game," she asks, probably already bored out of her mind.

I nodded even though there isn't really a game for us to play.

"Okay, I just made up this game so don't blame me if it sucks but I'm gonna put my hand like this," she made a fist and put her other hand flat on top of it "and you're gonna tap my top hand repeatedly. If I move my hand and yours touches my fist, you lose."

I nodded again and put my hand on top of hers like she said. "And...go."

I basically bounced my hand on hers until she moved hers and my hand touched her fist meaning that I lost.

"Haha, I win," she laughs.


Wow, u guys are already reading this

What do ya think?

I'm gonna publish a new chapter for this every other day coz it just makes it easier for me


Hope u guys enjoy



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