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After a small bit of being tailed and not knowing, (Y/n) soon parked and got out. She pat herself down, let out a small sigh. It still amazed her that the day wasn't even over

She then walked forwarded inside the store, taking up a cart and going down the snack aisle, checking everything down to see if she found what she wanted


She stopped for a moment and stared at the chips before her "Mm...Cotton Candy flavor-"

Poor soul, she had to tame herself! It was tough but, she managed

And she wasn't the only one suffering under temptation..

As the young Woman walked and checked for the foods she wanted, she felt the presence of someone else. You see, this store wasn't busy but it had a good bit of people inside and she was used to the stares at this point

However, this one just felt off

And when she looked up through her peripheral vision, the last thing she expected to see was one of the Men from yesterday in the snack aisle as well. He was looking at her..

And it creeped her the hell out. So, she frowned and glared at a bag of pretzels. She thought, maybe he'll leave her be if she ignored him. So, she sat a bag down and walked further down the aisle, picked another up and decided if she should take it or not..

Aww, but the Man couldn't help but tail nearby. And the one with the slick back hair was there as well. They both looked like idiots, trying to be inconspicuous. She almost wanted to turn around and confront them. They weren't as big as a problem as the pink one but they were still an issue in her eyes

But to him? Well, he couldn't help but smile and stare. To him, he thought she was beautiful..

Something about pregnant Women made him feel some type of way. Or maybe it was her in general? She had an attitude that wouldn't quit!

He stared at her body, observing every curve and her outfit as he ran his tongue across his teeth

He was being too obvious now. He wondered if he should even feel a bit of shame. This Woman was with child, she wasn't looking for anything he thought of

Besides, him and his Brother only had one thing to do, Mikey ordered for it

"Is there a problem.."

It looks like 'watching her' wasn't going to be the only thing they were gonna do

The Woman lift a brow and looked his way, showing her irritated expression and not even trying to hide it "Aren't you one of the Men I signed those papers with yesterday?"

..Seeing her face even made his knees weak

He cleared his throat and gave her a polite smile, trying to appear friendly. He didn't want to scare her off or anything "Yes Ma'am, that's me. Rindou Haitani"

"And the other one's my Brother, Ran"

Said Male waved at her from the other end of the aisle

Now that she saw them again, she thought the same thing. They were both good looking, charming young Men. However, that didn't mean she trust them. She wasn't going to forget that they killed a Man yesterday

Rindou put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head while Ran walked over to join them. His eyes glided to the chips in her hand, forming a plan to make conversation with her "And if you don't mind me asking, where are you going with all of these snacks, Ma'am?"

(Y/n) looked at Rindou and then looked to Ran before her eyes glided down to her basket "..."

It wasn't alot! Just some bags of chips..And a jar of pickles. Some spicy candies..

Little Miss Tiana (BN X Pregnant!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now