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"Our brother is actually antsy," Rebekah said slowly. Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol were watching their half brother, Klaus, fidget in place as he watched the crowd, seemingly scanning for someone.

"Maybe he's looking for the doppelganger? Or the blonde?" Kol suggested.

"I don't think he is," Elijah said and the two youngest look at him in confusion, "Elena is over there with the Salvatores, he already spotted them. Caroline, Klaus is only interested in as a friend, he's not having luck because of Elena, but he's trying," he added.

"And she's over there," Rebekah added, pointing in another direction.

"So, what is he waiting for then?" Kol questioned.

"Wait," Rebekah said, "He invited someone over than the baby vamp, remember?"


"Really? You'll come?" Rebekah and Kol pause hearing their brother. They share a look, did he sound excited.

"Yes, my wolf, I will come," a male answered making Rebekah and Kol's eyes widen more. They were fully aware same-sex relationships were okay now, they just didn't think Klaus would possibly be with a man, but they can accept it.

"What about my siblings? Can you control it around them?" Klaus asked in concern.

"Kol is a maybe, Rebekah is unlikely but I'll try, Elijah is probably okay, Finn I might want to punch," the man said.

"Does the Rebekah thing have to do with what he told you?" Klaus asked while Rebekah was confused. Kol nudged her, 'what did you do?' he mouthed and she shrugged in response.

"Yes, he's willing to talk to you about it but wants me to tell you, but you can't use the dagger on her, that was his request," the man said and Rebekah's eyes widen. "My wolf, calm down."

"I am calm, Eric," Klaus flatly responded.

"And how many times have I told you not to call me that?"

"Enough times that you constantly call me your wolf, I'm a hybrid, get it right," Klaus sassed.

The man chuckled, "but you were originally a wolf."

"And you have a pet crow called Raven," Klaus sassed again.

"Point made, my hybrid, I will be at the ball. Do look handsome for me?" the man said.

"You do the same, my King," Klaus said and put down the phone and suddenly threw something at the door Rebekah and Kol were listening in making the youngest two Mikaelsons scurry away.

(Flashback Over)

"Wow," Elijah said in response.

"Did 'Lijah just say 'Wow' or was it just me?" Kol asked Rebekah.

"He said it," Rebekah said in shock.

Then they all hear a motorcycle motor pull up outside and Klaus perked up, heading for the door, motioning the three. "How does he get away with us not noticing he heard us?" Kol questioned.

They approached Klaus, "I may have found out my werewolf side hadn't been fully blocked, werewolves have mates, I found mine, he just pulled up."

"In the motorcycle?" Elijah asked.

"No problem about him being male?" Klaus asked in response.

"We're a thousand years old, I've been with a man or two," Elijah responds.

"Same," Kol said, "More than a few though."

"I've been with a woman," Rebekah said, "you kept killing to many of the men."

"Because they only wanted you for being a vampire and having power," Klaus answered honestly.

Rebekah stared at him wide-eyed. "He's not wrong," Elijah said, making Rebekah look at him in surprise.

"Klaus is gone," Kol said. The other two siblings look back to see Klaus was in fact gone and look out the door to see him clung to a taller, bigger, man with more muscle than any man in Mystic Falls. He looked to be in his thirties with long hair and a beard with some tattoos peaking out from under his suit. He was at least five inches taller than Klaus, so the Hybrid Mikaelson had his head buried in the man's chest making the man chuckle.

Elijah clears his throat and Klaus jumps up and looks at them with eyes, "Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, this Draven King, he's my mate, don't piss him off, he probably could kill you," he said quickly.

"Do you really have a crow?" was the first thing Kol asked. The youngest male Mikaelson jumped thinking he saw a flash of red in Draven's eyes before the man answered, "Yes, I have a crow with the creative name of Raven. It was either that or Sebastian but Raven is female." Kol wanted to meet Raven, but he also wanted to know why Klaus relaxed after Draven answered.

"It's nice to meet someone who can bring our brother some long awaited happiness," Elijah said.

"It's nice to meet the vampire who always wears suits," Draven responds with a small smile.

"And how long have you been together?" Rebekah asked.

Draven tensed making Klaus tense. "How long were you planning to get away with compelling Marcel into being the perfect boyfriend?" he asked sarcastically, "you know it's a sin, right?"

Klaus slowly turned to Rebekah, who had frozen, "You did what to Marcellus?" he said slowly, and angry. Kol and Elijah back away from their sister.

Jason Momoa as Draven King

(Any possible pairings? I want to include Johnny Blaze, Robbie Reyes, and Carter Slade somewhere. Jenna is not dead so she is an option too)

Mikaelson's King {TVD x MCU} (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now