Chapter One

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"I'm sorry I was upset about you killing my lovers and you would never kill Marcellus and took the opportunity and didn't think of the consequences or the impact it would have on him and his life and I am so, so, sorry about it. I never should have done. It wasn't fair to Marcel," Rebekah said quickly, "I won't do anything to Marcel again," she promised.

"You. Better. Not," Klaus said, his hybrid eyes out on full display, showing his unspoken threat of what he do to Rebekah. Elijah and Kol stayed back. Rebekah might be their sister, but Klaus raised Marcel as his own and was protective over Marcel.

"Now," Draven spoke, clapping his hands, "Let's party, I detect other sins."

They entered the room again, people noticing Klaus walking arm-in-arm with another man. "Found the doppelganger," Draven said. They all looked in the direction of the doppelganger to find her looking at the newly announced couple in disgust. "Oh, she's homophobic," Elijah said.

"Surprise surprise," Klaus drawled.

"Katerina is officially the best, she wasn't homophobic," Elijah stated and walked away from the siblings to get a drink. The siblings just stare at him, "As long as he's not helping Elena," Rebekah muttered and the others agreed.

Draven turned to Klaus, "So who is who?" he asked when others migrate away."

"The blonde with the blue eyes is Matt Donovan," he motioned to who Rebekah was talking too.

"He's still in love with someone else," Draven said after a moment and Rebekah overheard and slowly moved away.

"Carol Lockwood is talking to Kol," Klaus said.

"Mother of your first hybrid?" Draven asked.


"She's not a threat," Draven decided.

"The two body guards of the doppelganger are the Salvatores," Klaus said.

Draven spots them, "I want to kill them," he states bluntly and the brothers had the audacity to look offended.

"Up there is Finn," Klaus said and Draven paused, looking up at the oldest Mikaelson. "Draven?" Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol, all look at Draven who is staring at Finn in suspicion.

"Bring me to him," Draven finally spoke. Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah share a look and start to follow. They approached Finn and Draven snapped his neck, grabbing him and pulling him another room with the siblings following behind quickly. "What are you doing?" Kol asked.

"Finn has a long lasting spell on him. I know when someone is not acting like they should," Draven revealed. All of the siblings look at him wide eyed, "It was at least before all of you became vampires," he added.

"Wow," Rebekah said, looking at her oldest brother in concern.

"Now, I don't want to startle anyone, but you also all need to be making appearances. One of you stay here and be the look out and the rest go," Draven said.

Klaus turned to other brothers and sister, "I'll stay," he said.

The others nod and leave just as Draven stood over Finn as he woke up. Draven used the angelic equivalent to a penance stare and his eyes glowed blue and as he searched Finn's mind for the spell and destroyed it, resulting in Finn letting out a yelp of pain.

Mikaelson's King {TVD x MCU} (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now