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You're a new freshman in highschool you've know the band ever since you were a 4th grader you've always thought of them as family although you've gained a huge crush on bill kaulitz but you still haven't the feeling to tell him since you don't wanna lose him.

More info about you:

age: 15

Siblings: 4

sibling names and ages: ayesha 17 jasper 19 lexi 12 violet 7

friends: bill, tom, georg, gustav, janis, samantha, sebastian, riley

favorite siblings: ayesha and jasper

Parents and parents age: haylee 32 fred 43

you've always been a bit insecure..

You live in germany

Contains: sh, drugs, abuse, alcohol, angst, some smut (not that much tbh), etc.

Thanks for reading my loves ill try to update atleast two chapters everyday<3


-augest 14 2023
-words: 134

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