Chapter 10: Travellers

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We walk up the abandoned train tracks, the wind blows around us, the trees in the distance swaying back and forth with the force of the wind.

Nature has reclaimed its rightful space, the plants and vegetation covering the probably once-busy railway. Moss and ivy wrap their tendrils around each rung and beam of the track, their leaves and flowers adding a touch of colour to the drab and neglected landscape.

We press on, walking cautiously as we go, the sound of our footsteps echoing down the tracks as we look around with alert eyes. The rusted metal rails run through the overgrown bushes and thickets, winding their way up the tracks.

As we progress on, the foliage begins to thin out and the bushes become less overgrown, making it easier to negotiate the path. The rustling of leaves and the chirps of birds fill the air as we continue our journey.

We round a curve in the tracks, noticing that there's a small ravine-like valley that is filled with trees to our left, the foliage a deep and vibrant green. The sun shines brightly, the rays of heat filling our bodies with warmth as we walk in the partially open air. The breeze blows softly against our faces, filling our nostrils with the scents of the forest. The birds chirp and call in the distance, adding music to the serenity of our surroundings.

The tracks are covered in moss and vines, the metal rungs that line the sides of the tracks wrapped up in ivy and leaves. The rust and decay of the railings is obvious, the years of neglect and abandonment taking their toll on the metal.

We continue to walk, the railroad track sloping ever so slightly upwards as we trek along its length. The air is fresh and crisp, the cool breeze filling our lungs with each breath.

We pass a rusted-over switch, the metal slowly rusting away from the passage of time. We pause for a moment, taking in the scene before us. The railway seems to continue far off into the distance, and I know we probably have a long way to go.

We follow the abandoned train tracks, our feet crunching loudly with each step we take. The sound of our footsteps echoes off the metal rails, our voices filling the air with each word we speak.

The forest around us is calm and still, the distant bird chirps fading in and out with the changing wind. The sun shines brightly, the light falling through the sparse leaves and creating streaks of colours as we move through the few growing trees. The sun shines brightly, the warmth of its rays washing over us and casting long shadows at our feet.

We continue in silence, the only sound being the crunch of our footsteps on the gravel bed beneath us. The air is still and quiet, the chirping of the birds becoming more scarce as the sun rises higher into the sky. The trees grow taller and their leaves become thicker as we continue, the sunlight falls over the top of us, the tall canopy of the forest blocking out the rays and casting a faint, dull shade. As we press on, our feet continue to crunch over the old rails, the sound mixing with the sound of the occasional chirp of a bird. Cherry points out an unusual marking on a tree close by. To me it looks like the symbol the military uses on their crests, so I point it out and suggest that we could be close to the base. Crispy runs out of the bushes, and im glad because we hadn't seen her in a while. Sara was confident she was following us though so I didn't question it. She stands at our feet and looks at Sara solemnly, so she picks her up and puts her in her backpack. The air becomes cooler, my breath rising and falling with every step as we quicken our pace on the level ground.

Suddenly, Brandon stops.

"Why have we stopped?" Cherry complains.

"Shh." He hisses sharply. Cher's eyes go wide and she seems to shrink where she stands. My heartbeat quickens as I realise we could be in danger. The railway is too exposed to find quick cover and dashing into the trees would make too much noise to be effective. Maybe this was a bad idea.

Without warning, a woman emerges from the bushes off to the side of the tracks. Brandon straightens himself to his full height and looks warily at her.

"We're just passing through, we don't want trouble." He warns, his stance wide as though braced for attack.

"Passing through, eh?" A man emerges behind us, and I spin around in surprise.

"We only have a few supplies, please, we're not worth it." He tried to reason with them.

"They'd make a pretty pathetic raider squad, to be honest Walker." She said chuckling slightly, her statement seemingly directed at the man.

"Raiders? Aren't you guys raiders?" Brandon questions cautiously.

"Hell no, we're just on patrol. Didn't you notice the border signs?" She says, gesturing to the symbol on her vest.

"The sign on the tree! Its the same one on your vest... but, that means you're from the safe camp?" I say curiously.

"Damn right, she's smart, this one." The man laughs.

"Can you take us there? We've been travelling for a while trying to find it, but the directions were very cryptic." Sara pitches in to the conversation. The woman smiles slightly, looking at our little group. She seemed to pick at us, our messy hair, dirty faces, and torn clothing, before finally replying.

"I'm trusting you're looking for refuge." She raises an eyebrow at us.

"Obviously!" Cher rolls her eyes dramatically before remembering that they're probably military, and checking herself. "Sorry..." she mutters. The woman just smirks, her gaze lingering on Cherry before scanning the rest of us.

"Ok, follow me. I'm Watson, this is Walker." She says, gesturing to the man walking behind us. We fall into a suitable pace and begin following the woman.

We travel through the overgrown forest, the plants and vines twisting and turning around us as we walk. As time passes, it feels as if we are traveling deeper into the heart of a lush and vibrant jungle. The sounds of nature fill our ears, birds chirping in the distance, the subtle rustle of the foliage, and the distant roar of a waterfall echoing throughout the forest.

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