Chapter 1

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Her pov:

The whiff of rain thickened as little droplets spat from the sky. I had just got off my pesky 9-5. I worked as a reporter at the Gotham Times, always trying to get the scoop on our city's most genius criminal minds.

I step out, and my ears ring with the sound of police sirens. This wasn't out of the ordinary; I did live in Gotham after all. As I'm walking down the street to the subway, the sirens get closer, and soon enough, three cop cars race past me, then followed by dozens more.

Something was off...and now my reporter's notepad was aching to be written on. The cars abruptly stopped not far from where I was. I ran to the scene as fast as someone possibly could in heels, almost tripping several times. I end up in City Hall, surrounded by dozens of police vehicles. I tried to get as close as possible, but an officer stopped me, his stern voice indulging in my ears.
"Ma'm I'm going to need you to leave the premises."
"What's going on?" I ask, in a curious yet innocent tone.
"We have a hostage situation; some terrorist is keeping the Mayor hostage."
I quickly scribble everything on my notepad.
"You're not a reporter, are you?"
"I am."
His eyes ache into me as if I was some scum. The dislike was obvious.
I walk away, my heels clanking behind me.

It was very crowded, and all you could hear was the sound of police officers yelling, figuring out what their next move. I used to work for City Hall as a receptionist, and I suddenly remembered there's a back door you could enter from. Police had surrounded the whole building, but it wasn't as hard to sneak through the back. I hesitantly entered from a tiny back door.

Immediately regret flows through my body as I see the dozens of men in military like tactical gear each armed with machine guns. What are you thinking? By then, one of the men had spotted me, "HEY, YOU, ON THE GROUND NOW!" I quickly duck. he grabs my hair and starts pulling me over to where the other hostages lay, as he's tying my wrist together with a rope a masked man intervenes. This man was different from all the others, he had a mechanical mask that hissed when he breathed, his voice sounding filtered as he spoke. This broad shoulders and bulky muscles gave him a sense of superiority. "Where did she come from?" He questions the man."Caught her trying to sneak in, boss". The "Boss" was tall, bald and had a big build, his mask covering his nose and mouth with a strap going through the center and extended pieces covering below his cheekbones, they joined at the back of his head. He crouches next to me and looks into my eyes with pity and curiosity. His face inches away from me, riddled with small cuts and scars."Why are you here?" His stern filtered voice asked. I didn't respond I just looked down, feeling stupid and embarrassed for sneaking in like some troublesome teenager. "Answer me." He said in a calm yet sterm voice, he was obviously trying to intimadate me and it was working. "I'm a reporter." I finally answer. He scoffs "Of course, you'd risk your life for a story in the local paper wouldn't you? Foolish, yet ambitious, you have my respect with that."
He takes another good look at me, furrowing his brows. He looks over to one of his men that stood behind me and gave him a quick stern nod. I feel a quick pinch of a needle at the back of my neck. My vision blurred and the last image my orbs could grasp was of the masked terrorist and his deep grey orbs...


Hiii, omg I had so much fun writting this. I'm really open to criticism so don't be afraid to give suggestions on the text or layout. If any grammar or spelling mistakes are spotted pls let ne know.💗

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