[Prologue] The day that my life changes forever!

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I sighed, my eyes opening to the heart of a sprawling forest--a forest that extended to the horizon, a realm where mythical creatures harmoniously coexisted.

Truly breathtaking. Developing an open-world exploration survival game had its allure, no doubt. However, the bugs and glitches still annoys me, after all, you can't introduce new features and updates without the inevitable glitches and bugs that threaten to destroy the game.

Nevertheless, creation is fun, really enjoyed developing this game, and Bryan even made some assets for me to use.

Heck, I even grew a community by just posting random updates or memes about the game on Youtube. People are asking more or  when is the release date in the comment section.

I even saw someone, asking if the game is free, can't help but laugh. It'll cost money boi >:)

It is such a really good thing that my morale is still up and running, else this is another project that will never see the light of day.

But well, back to business. Tonight, at least 10 bugs must be completed, unless I wish to be stuck with it tomorrow.

This is sure going to be a huge pain in the ass.

I shook of my complain and directed my focus towards the Output. Lines upon lines of text scrolled past, a relentless cavalry of information.


Minutes ticked by as I blankly stared at the terminal. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, the code stopped because of an error.


I opened another interface beside me and looked toward line 577.


</if Root.Gravity.Density.Value = MaxGravity then continue end>

I squinted my eyes as I read every single character in the line.

I stared at it for a couple of seconds, re-reading every single character.

Hold on a minute. Shouldn't the equals sign be 'more than'? DAMN! HOW DID NOT NOTICE THAT?!

Just as I was about to change the sign I heard crumbling in the background.

Probably just rocks falling down. So I continued.

After replacing it I took a big breath.

That should do it.

The crumbling sound intesified, growing louder and louder every second.

Okay, what in the world is happening??

I shut down the terminal to look over my surroundings.

The moment I closed it, I saw the mountains on the horizon disintegrated, some even glitching out of existence. While the animals and movable objects suspended in the air.

Uh... I think, I think it should've been 'greater than'... Shet.

I tried opening back my code terminal but when I tried the key combination a interface appeared saying: 'ACCESS DENIED'.

I scratched my head, puzzled by the chaos happening around me.

How can changing a single character could trigger something of this magnitude?!

I tried repeatedly pressing the key combination again and again while I close the ACESS DENIED interface.

Screw this, I am restarting the game!

As I exited the game the world became darker and darker.


... ...

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