Maya's haircut

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I felt the cold metal slip from my fingers, as the car door slammed shut behind me. The car sped off before I even got the chance to look back and wave goodbye to my sister.
I began to make my way up to the porch of the ishii-peters house, where echoing shouts could be heard from within. Raising my hand, I gently rang the doorbell which momentarily hushed the shouting before it instantly returned.
After a few long moments, the door swung open, revealing a tall, well built boy with thick dark hair that hung over his forehead. His clothes were oversized yet fit him perfectly.
His eyes met mine and a big smile rose onto his face. His next movements were swift as his arms slithered round my waist pulling my body against his. He cradled me for a few seconds, before his eyes returned to mine . He studied me for a moment, whispered faint words of a compliment under his breath before pulling me in for a gentle kiss. My lips pressed against his smoothly, savouring the way he smelt and taste.
He pulled back and took my hand in his as he guided me into the house, the door shutting behind us.
"What's the shouting about?" I asked him as I made my way through the now familiar corridors of his house. "I haven't bothered to check yet" he replied, looking almost fed up " I waited it out in my room until you arrived."
As we stood in front of the door leading to the dining room, the source of the issue made itself very apparent. Shuji's younger sister maya sat in the middle of the room with tears streaming down her face, as their mom lowered a bowl onto her daughters head. Despite the protest maya had put up, mrs ishii-peters was insistent on this new haircut.
"What the fuck did you do?" Shuji spluttered barely trying to hide his amusement. His remark was responded to by his sister telling him to shut up, which I think is fairly justified.
I smack him on the chest and tell maya how beautiful she will look once it is done, before shoving shuji away from the doorway in the direction of his bedroom.
"Can't you leave the girl alone, she seems to be suffering enough as it it" I tell him in a sympathetic tone.  " well, I would but where's the fun in that?" He replies as he raps his arms around my waist. I scoff but look up at him and kiss him on the cheek nevertheless.
He pulls away and flops himself down on his bed, patting the empty space next to him as he waits for me to sit. When I do, his hands instantly replace themselves back to where they were before and he is quickly closing the gap between us. His lips are on mine once again, this time with a little more passion. We move in synch as his hands travel up from my waist, one resting on the small of my back, the other placed gently in the curve of my neck. I feel myself melt into the comfort that he gives me.
When he removes his lips from mine he smiles softly, face flushed and mouth a faint shade of pink. He settles him self onto his bed properly and I mould myself against the shape of his body, my legs strewn over his and face buried into his neck. My breath is shallow against his skin and I let my eyes flutter shut as I relax. His arm raps around me, hand resting in my thigh, his thumb swirling a pattern out of my leg.
"You smell like home" his whispers into my hair.

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