Big brother

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The wind whistled quietly through my hair, as I walked with my friends around to the benches towards the back of the school. I clutched my books as a shiver ran down my spine.
As I looked up, my eyes darted around, searching for the ever familiar pair of dark eyes that belonged to shuji. When my gaze settled on his, I picked up my pace and made my way to where he was. Him and his friends were lousily sat about on a few benches that they claimed as theirs each day. Shuji was sat on the table of one of the benches, his legs resting on the seating part. When he saw me approaching, he spread his legs slightly and shuffled back allowing me to take a seat. Once settled, I felt warm fingers slide under my chin, carefully tilting my face upwards so I could see him. His lips closed around mine for a brief moment before he released and smiled.
"Hi gorgeous, how was your lessons?' He asked with genuine curiosity. "Could've been better but they were okay" I reply simply.
Once I again the wind whips around me and another shiver wraps it's way around my spine. I feel shuji pause for a second, before tightening the space in which I'm sat and lacing his arms gently around my neck , instantly spreading heat to my body. I squeeze his arm gratefully.
After a while of catching up and chatting with our friends, a loud arguing sound makes itself present in front of us. Maya and her best friend Anna are stood hesitantly, looking at us, neither one of them sure what to say. I offer a reassuring smile to the girls, which seems to prompt maya to start talking.
"Shuji I need you to beat a kid in my year up, it just needs to happen so" maya tell us with no explanation. Anna begins to back her up " yeah he said some not very nice stuff to her"
He looks between the two of them, swiftly takes a swig from his can before simply saying "why should I?"
Maya bursts into an upset state complaining about how her brother doesn't care and this is the worst day of her life. Part of my heart breaks for her, being that age sucks and I know how evil kids can be when they're immature.
As I began to get lost in my thoughts the word "UGIS" spills from Maya's mouth, causing both mine and shuji's heads to snap round to the two girls, shocked expressions spread across our faces.
Shuji instantly goes into a protective mode. He's sensitive and he genuinely cares deep down, although he would never admit it. It's one of the things I admire about him.
He begins to demand information about the boy who started the trouble and builds a insult speech which he directs Maya to give to him. Although it sounds tough now, I have a feeling when Maya delivers it, it won't quite have the same affect. But at
least she has the guts to stand up for herself, and I'm proud of her for that.
The two girls are off on their way once shuji has finished telling them what to say. He sits back down on the bench with a sigh
"You're a good brother you know," I tell him "very protective, it's cute." He looks down at me with a smirk. He runs his fingers through my hair and then glides them along my jaw. "Maybe I should do it more often then." He states.
The bell rings and I get up to gather my books, when shuji grabs them for me with one hand, the other grasping mine tightly, as we make our way to our next lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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