Chapter 14

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A few hours later


A slow, sensual murmuring called Vince back from dreamland.

He felt as if someone had rested his weight on top of him, as he was beginning to get a little short of breath...

In addition, it was hot.

Slowly, his eyes adjusted back to reality...

Then he saw her:

Rhonda Hill, whose gaze appeared to be a mask of redness, was staring him straight in the eye, her hands pressed to the sides of the bed near his head so he would not run away.

"W...What...?" he murmured wearily.

She stared into his eyes and smiled.

"Good morning, my fucking beautiful sleeping prince..."

"It's still night... can't you sleep?" he asked her, smiling slightly.

"I'm too nervous..." the little girl admitted; "I'm shivering, hot and cold at the same time and palpitating... you better help me calm down..."

Archer ran a hand over her cheek.

"Are you sure...? Wouldn't you risk suffering, as in the past?"

"I lost everything I could lose... I have nothing left now. I can only gain something new, I suppose... I don't know either..." she replied, snuggling into him.

Vince only then noticed how the girl had taken off her denim shorts and leggings, remaining amiably only in that black top, long leather gloves, and provocative black underwear.

"I have to take it as a provocation, I suppose."

"Help me... help me calm down... give me some love until this stress passes... please..." insisted the girl.

Vince's hands quickly passed along Rhonda's hips, and Archer almost wanted to look like he was against it...

But he, too, was now on the line. Faced with such a request, refusing would have been unpropitious.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you."

It was passionate, though definitely much less noisy than the nice menage a trois that occurred in the next room.

Just a symphony of sensual moans of pleasure and light squeaks.

Once the moment was over, the two, exhausted, lay down side by side.

"Do you feel better now?" he asked, holding up his head with one hand.

"God... fuck yeah..." she replied, as she caught her breath.

"In that case, I am pleased."

With that said, Vince leaned his head better on the pillow:

He felt great, almost reborn, after that performance. He should have been tired, but it seemed that the sexual distraction had almost made him a few years younger.

"I wonder, though... Why the fuck did we all get caught up in a craving for wild sex?" asked Rhonda abruptly.

"You should ask yourself." retorted Vince; "Aren't you the one who wanted to do it on your own initiative?"

"Sure... but it was as if you gave off an irresistible scent!" exclaimed Hill in response.


Vince turned his head for a second to sniff his shoulder...

But nothing seemed to be wrong with him.

Resident Evil: Unloved [ENG]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant