Chapter 17

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The secret entrance led to a strange, well-excavated rail tunnel that descended to the darkness below.

Attached to a series of thick cables, however, there seemed to be nothing.

The tunnel's iron catwalk ended only with another control panel.

As they got closer, the survivors discovered that it was a cable car system, and that panel was used to summon the cable car, like an elevator.

"Another panel... let's try to see if it activates with my presence." murmured Liz absently, before beginning to touch it.

What was enough, however, was to press a button with an arrow pointing down.

It was not Liz who understood it, however, but Vince, who put his finger down after a couple of seconds in which O'Connell tried to understand the meaning of that mechanism.

At the touch of that button, something at the bottom of the burrow, deep down, was activated:

Something was rising.

"Guys, get ready..." suggested Romero, weapons at the ready; "In movies, it often happens that even something unwelcome goes up with the elevator platform and things like that!"

Everyone remained with their weapons in their fists, pointing them in the direction of the descent in front of them.

It took a good minute before something showed itself beyond the darkness:

It was a large funicular railway.

"Too easy..." commented Liz, doubtfully, noticing the arrival of the vehicle. The funicular stopped with a loud whistle of brakes, then opened its doors automatically.

"First floor... women's underwear." commented JR sarcastically.

"Wow... just wow..." commented Rhonda with disappointment; "Don't tell me you were expecting general laughter and applause, Mr. perverted stand-up?"

"For the first one, yes! The second one was extra!" he exclaimed in response, being a bit disappointed by the poor performance.

"Okay, big joker... why don't you go into the funicular and see if there are any problems?" asked Vince then.

"Right away!"

With those words, JR quickly went inside to check the vehicle...

Only to exclaim after a couple of seconds:


"You heard him. Now or never." Archer finally commented, before heading inside the cockpit.

The policewoman said nothing:

She had also wandered inside the funicular, eventually going to sit on one of the places, hoping to rest his head and body for a moment.

Once inside, Vince approached the bottom of the funicular.

There was only one lever, with no particular control panel.

Without saying anything, he pulled the crank toward himself.

The cable car door closed...

And the vehicle began to descend into the darkness below.

Fortunately for them, the inside of the passenger compartment was illuminated, while the outside slowly brightened as the funicular's headlights showed the descent.

It was terrifying, although it seemed to be one of the few quiet moments in their entire misadventure.

However, that tranquility was interrupted by Meg:

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