chapter 7. good night

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*Minka goes to greet them*

Minka: Ah, welcome back. *Sips her coffee again.* You guys are probably exhausted. Should I show you where you can sleep? *Sips her coffee.*

Snow: Yeah, sure!

Minka: Alex, are you also staying here?

Alex: I guess so. I don't really want to walk back home since I already walked so much.

Minka: Alright, then come with us.

*They go to the door.*

Minka: It's simple. We go into the small hallway and wait until the water is gone, but hold your breath in there. The tool that lets us breathe underwater doesn't work in there.

*Minka opens the door and everyone holds their breath until the water is gone. Now she opens the next door, where there is no water inside.*

*Everyone inhales again.*

Yasu: Woah, it looks so comfy in here!

Alex: I know, right? I sleep here more often than at home. Speaking of home, I gotta text my mom that I'm here.

Minka: She won't be that happy, probably.

Alex: I know, but what else should I do?

Minka: You're right. Let's go to sleep now, shall we?

*Snow has already fallen asleep.*

Minka: Oh wow... Well, good night, everyone.

Yasu, Alex: Good night!

*Everyone is sleeping, including in the computer room.*

*At Yunichi's place*

Yunichi: Ugh, I can't sleep! Maybe I should check on Sophia.

*He takes out a device that looks like a headset.*

Yunichi: Hey!

Sophiaa: Zzzzz...

*Yunichi screams.*

Yunichi: SOPHIAA!

Sophiaa: Hmm?

Yunichi: How is it? Did you get enough information about the technology there?

Sophiaa: I guess so, but leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you anymore. You're making my life a nightmare. Just leave me here and don't ever wake me again.

Lillizia: *Yawn* Sophiaa, is everything alright?

Sophiaa: Yeah, sorry that I woke you up.

Yunichi: Go to the bathroom so we can talk normally and without these useless fishes or whatever around you.

Sophiaa: *Sigh* Be right back.

*She goes to the bathroom.*

Lillizia: Why is she going there?

*Lillizia stands in front of the door to listen.*

Sophiaa: Don't you dare speak like that to my friends.

Yunichi: Oh, Sophiaa, did you forget who you're speaking to? I could kill you anytime with just a click, pulling a lever. Do you want that?

Sophiaa: *Sigh* You're right, I'm sorry. Please just let me stay.

Yunichi: Come back to me.

Sophiaa: What?

Yunichi: I said, come back to me.

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