chapter 10. dont judge from the outside

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*Tino runs to them while they nearly left the city.*

Tino: Wait!

*They look behind them to see her.*

Snow looks confused.

Snow: Aren't you the person who gave Jill a weird look?

Tino: *out of breath* Yeah, huff...

Snow: What do you want then?

Tino: You huff... can't breathe underwater when you are not in the city anymore, huff...

Snow: Right, I totally forgot about that.

Tino:... Huff... Here.

*She gives everyone a little bottle of a potion.*

Tino: Drink this, and you will be able to breathe for half an hour.

Snow: I don't think half an hour is enough time.

Tino: I don't have much more, so you guys need to hurry.

Kayo: I don't know if we can trust her. You said that she gave Jill a weird look. Maybe she wants to poison us.

Yasu: I don't think so.

Kayo: Huh?

Yasu: She saved me from getting arrested.

Tino: He's right... Also, I gave Jill that look because there are rumors about the TCC that they only do bad stuff. But I saw how they are just normal people when you guys were helping her.

*She points at Sophia's body.*

Mino: It looked more like murder to us, but when you know why they did it, it makes sense.

Tino: I could hear you guys talking.

Snow:... How close were you? Also, why did you follow us?!

Tino: I- wanted to tell Silvia where the hideout is... But I won't since I found out the truth.

Snow: We hope so... But we need to go now.

Tino: Alright. See you again, maybe.

*They continue walking and wave to Tino.*

*They arrive at a sign that says "Percy's Peak."*

Snow: Alright, I guess we are at the end.

*Snow gives everyone a potion, and Mino makes you drink it too.*

Snow: At 3. 1, 2, 3!

*Everyone drinks it at the same time.*

Snow: Alright, now let's hurry.

*They walk as fast as they can.*

*After 15 minutes of walking, they find a huge monster lying on the ground.*

Spezi: Eww, what is that?

Snow: Doesn't matter right now. Let's just continue before we run out of breath.

Kayo: Liz told me something about a monster escaping from Percy's Peak, but why is it dead here now? Oh, and also she told me that this thing drags us underwater.

Snow: Makes sense since it has such thin, long arms. But that also means that we are close to the beach!

*At the god hideout.*

*Yunari teleports back to the hideout after defeating that monster.*

Yuli: Jeez, don't scare me like that.

Yunari: Sorry, how is it going? Were you finally able to copy Yunichi's power?

Yuli: No, but maybe soon.

Yunari: I hope so.

Yuli: Ugh, we all hope it, big brain.

Yunari: Hmm, sorry.

Yuli: Also, did you meet him?

Yunari: Who?

Yuli: You know, Snow, hero of Oakheart.

Yunari: Oh, him. Hmm, nah, I saw him coming toward the monster, but I came back here at that time.

*Yuvaan in his cage*: Hah, Yunichi told me much about him.

Yunari: Tsk-

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