The trip to the GameTrix.

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It was a bright beautiful day as always in the summer. Since it was the middle of the summer, our countryside was able to finally get some sun instead of clouds. Usually, it would rain in the spring and fall season which would be very beneficial to our crops, however this would mean less encourage to spend in the outdoors. Not like I leave outdoors that often, only to school or the GameTrix. But as digital gaming was more prominent nowadays, I only find myself going if I need a console or physical equipment.

Mei, the girl who I'm about to meet lived in the suburbs near Kyoto. The city in which the GameTrix was located, as well as the school we go to. The GameTrix provided every gamer with any equipment, console, or game of any era. It was particularly a safe heaven for all gamers alike. Since this was the store with the earliest opening time of 12pm (Currently it is 11:30am) this means we could get the Nightwave as soon as humanly possible.

Walking down this path, was a long narrow road, filled with lots of farms, older Japanese style houses and barns. As I walked, many people on bikes waved at me while passing by. The laughter of children going to school with their parents. The fresh outdoor breeze. It really took me to my younger self. Nowadays I find myself as a shut Hikikomori, as the people in Japan call it. It is a form of serve social isolation.

The walk to Kyoto was not far, but on foot would be different. My family couldn't afford a car nor a bike, and frankly I've just been used to walking so I was fine either way. Unlike the other houses, my house was the one in which we only sold and provided crops. The other houses has at least two means of making a profit such as raising animals, or selling pesticides.

As I continued walking the hot pavement, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around. It was my best friend Hiruto.

"This is a rare sighting, Aki finally left the man cave!"Hiruto said annoyingly, with a teasing look on his face.

Sh-shut up Hiruto! You know why I'm out today. "I angrily replied.

Yeah yeah, you're going to buy that Nightwaver thingy ay? He said confidently. "Well, why don't I come along I'm quite bored right now." As he spoke, continued walking by my side.

"Well about that..." I said quietly and slowly, glancing away from eye contact slightly.

"Huh..? What is it don't tell me Aki got a girlfriend!" He pointed as he laughed at me.

"It's not like that!! Im going with Mei." I tried to explain, but it seemed like it felt short convincing him.

"Oh yeah that girl.. this sounds like a date!" He smirked while having a naughty smile on his face.

"It's not!! We are just going to play Nightfall together." I blushed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say man.. listen just tell me all the details when you get back!" He waved as he ran away giggling like a little school girl.

Feeling quite embarrassed with that conversation, I decided not to look back at him.

Mei.. being my girlfriend.. it's not like I wouldn't mind or anything.. but I'm sure she's has her options, I thought to myself.

As I crossed the bridge that went over a river surrounding our community, I was finally near the city. The city was absolutely stunning, every time I went here it always amazed me how different your life could be just by living a couple of kilometres or miles away. Even though I went this route to school, nothing beats the summer vibes.

I made my way through the bustling streets, lots of people made about their day. Every time I pass by, I always stand still and watch others, thinking to myself when I'll ever be able to be a functioning member of society. Kids? Getting married? For now my path seemed so foggy, it was like games were my one and only escape from this world.

"Aki..? Aki? Are you there? Earth to Aki?" A familiar voice called out to me.

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