chapter 7: throw it all away

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"I'm sorry. W-what should I do. I don't like feeling this full."

Jeongin began to panic as the voice was quiet for a few minutes.

Go to the bathroom.

Jeongin did just that.

"Now what?"

Go sit down in front of the toilet and make yourself throw up.

Jeongin shook at the thought.

"I-i don't know how..."

Start by putting two fingers in your mouth and start moving them around and jam then into the back of your throat till you gag.

Jeongin hesitantly stuck out two fingers and put them in his mouth. He started to do exactly what the voice told him to do. Jeongin gagged a few times, but nothing came up. Suddenly after he gagged again, his mouth began to water, so he took his fingers out of his mouth.

After a second, all the food that he had eaten poured into the toilet.

Jeongin could feel more fool still inside of him, so he stuck his fingers in his mouth again.

More vomit came up till all that was left was acid.

Once jeongin was done, he felt incredibly light headed and was about to pass out. With tears falling down his face, he closed the toilet lid and flushed, then leaning against the cold wall.

You did great. Keep doing this.

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