Chapter 2

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Brownie was seriously wondering if this prank that she and Scarlet had played on Winter  was really a good idea.

"Are you sure what we just did is safe?" Brownie asked while looking over at Scarlet.

Scarlet just shrugged in response.

"Don't be such a worrywart!" she sighed softly and ruffled Brownie's fur. "Nothing bad will happen, so let's just sit back and watch the show." 

Brownie just nodded, not saying a word as they watched Winter step closer and closer to the trap that had been set for him.

Not even ten seconds later, a high-pitched scream was heard. Brownie and Scarlet snickered quietly from their hiding spot up in a nearby tree.

"Oh my gosh!" Brownie muttered under her breath, "he screams like a little girl."

Scarlet giggled and twitched an ear. "Yeah, who knew that Winter could scream so loud that it scared off all the prey in the forest?"

The twosome sat there for a few more moments before deciding to head back to camp before Winter could catch onto their little prank.

Snickering quietly to themselves, the two Pokémon quickly scampered down the tree that they were in and together, they quickly hurried back to camp, still giggling as they sped off into the forest. 

"What did you two do?" Shadow was the first to catch sight of the two as they came racing into camp with the most ridiculous look on both of their faces.

"Who did what now?" Snow asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side curiously.

"Don't worry Shadow," Scarlet told him with an easy-going smile. "We just played a harmless little prank on Winter, he'll be fine in a few hours or so."

Shadow blinked several times before staring at the two Pokémon with a questioning look on his face. "You two still haven't answered my question."

"Well you see..." Brownie began in a nervous tone. "We kinda set Winter's food on fire and Scarlet made it a bit hotter so that when he ate it, his mouth would instantly feel as if it was on fire."

"Wait, you two did what?"

Scarlet and Brownie glanced to one another with equal looks of nervousness on their faces.

"Oh come on Shadow!" Frost exclaimed with an exasperated sigh as she patted over to join the four other Pokémon. "Winter totally deserved it!"

"Well yeah, I guess I can't argue with that," the dark-furred eeveelution muttered to himself with a small frown forming on his face.

"How did you guys do it without being caught?" Luna inquired with a small tilt of her head. "I mean, from what I've observed of Winter, he's not that easy to prank."

"Oh, we have our ways," Scarlet answered in a mysterious tone of voice. "Don't we, Brownie?" she asked, turning to face the small brown-and-cream Eevee.

Brownie nodded her head with a cheeky grin plastered on her face. "Yeah we do Scar!" she replied loftily.

After a few moments of silence, Coral spoke up in an attempt to break it. "So... now what do we do?" she asked the others with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's play truth or dare!" everyone jumped at the unfamiliar voice and turned around to face the owner of the one who had spoken.

"Who are you?" Shadow inquired, narrowing his eyes and twitching his tail.

The Pokémon chuckled and stepped out from the shadows. "Oh, please forgive me for not introducing myself!" she gave them a quick bow and a soft smile in greeting.

"My name is Dawn, and I'm a shiny Zorua." She replied while looking over the group of Pokémon sitting in front of her. "It's nice to meet you."

Team Pack: Scarlet the FennekinWhere stories live. Discover now