Chapter 1

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Belle's POV,

It was a normal day for Belle Swan or so she thought. She was sat in her normal spot by the window in her rocking chair, since her break up with one Edward Cullen three days ago that's where she spent most of her time.

Thinking over her relationship wondering where she had gone wrong, realising that in fact it's not her fault they broke up it wasn't because she wasn't good enough but because he wasn't good enough.

She was brought out of her thoughts by Charlie her father calling her down stairs. Belle slowly stood from her chair cracking her joints in the process while dramatically sighing her in patience with her father. She got to the bottom of the stairs and saw her father sitting up at the kitchen table so she joined him.

There was an awkward silence for a good ten minutes before Belle lost her shit and told her dad to hurry it up.

"Dad come on what's going on?"

He took a deep breath and just launched into his tale not letting Bella get a word in at all.

"The thing is Belle  now your an adult I think it's the best time to tell you that well I'm not your dad, Renee's not your mother. We adopted you because your real mother couldn't look after you and your real dad only found out about you a year ago when your real mum died.

He contacted me when he found out about you so he could have contact with you but at the time you were still living with Renée so I told him to give me a year to tell you which he has.

His been ringing none stop though since he found out about you, he really wants to meet you so what do you think? "

What do I think? Has he completely lost his mind? His just told me the people who I thought to be my parents aren't actually my parents. My real dad didn't know about me so I could understand why he hasn't been in my life. But why couldn't my mum look after me what made her think I was better off with Charlie and Renée, being passed between them like some present.

Having to be the parent to Renée when I didn't actually need to.

I looked to my dad in utter shock,

"Well I think I need to go and think things through Charlie, I mean for the last eighteen years I thought you were my dad and now your telling me your not. where does my real dad live?"

"He lives in California a town called Charming"

I sat there for about 10 minutes thinking things over. I was angry with Charlie and Renée for keeping this from me but also for the way they were with me. I hated that I always had to be the parent with both of them when they should of been looking after me.

The answer came pretty quick to be fair, I wanted to speak to my real father before I made any decisions on what to do next.

"Have you got his number? I'd like to call and speak to him before I make any decisions"

With that Charlie stood up walked over to the fridge and grabbed a piece of paper that was stuck to the door by a magnet. He walked back over to me, gave me the paper kissed my forehead then left the kitchen. I didn't know how to feel about this whole situation but I know I was still angry with both Charlie and Renée more at Renée then Charlie though.

I was gonna use the house phone but decided I wanted to do this in private in my bedroom so I walked upto my room closed the door and sat on my bed. I picked my cell up off the bedside table and sat there for a good ten minutes getting the courage up to do this.

I dialled the number, heard it ring twice before someone answered.


I took a deep breath

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