"Jude bellingham"

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|Summer of 2023It was a sunny Jamaican day and Jude thought it was a good beach day

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Summer of 2023
It was a sunny Jamaican day and Jude thought it was a good beach day. It was finally summer break for him and he decided to spend it in Navy island,Jamaica with his brother and today is the first they're acc gonna have fun in. Both Jude and Jobe got ready and went to the beach.
It has been a good hour since they've arrived then some fans started coming up to him one by one so he decided to get away a but to acc enjoy his day.
He decided to get a coconut drink. And as he turned around he bumped into a girl.
"Boy" a strong Jamaican accent said
"My bad" Jude said

As i looked up i felt like time stopped what so ever. The tan,the wet curls,the light green eyes, with her light perfect figure. I mean i know i shouldn't be looking but i couldn't stop myself.
End pf Jude's pov

"My whole shirt is dirty now,it's ok i guess" Raeni said as she was leaving.
"No wait. I feel really bad let me get you a drink" Jude then said.
"Well if you insist" Raeni said
After Jude got the drinks he went with Raeni to the beach side where they had a little conversation.
"So i didn't get to introduce myself properly earlier,my nae is Jude and im here for vacation" Jude said trying to get rid of the awkward silence
"Nice to know, im Raeni but you can call me rae if it's too hard to pronounce" Raeni then said but she quickly had a confused look on her face as jude was just staring at her without giving her any reply
"Boy" she said as she got closer to his face. He then came back to reality and without any hesitation "you're too pretty for me to be focusing" he said.
Raeni then let out a little laugh then said "didn't see that coming but i like you" Jude's eyes then wide opened.
"So Jude what do you do?" "I play football" "come with me" Raeni got up and held Jude's hand taking him to wherever it was.
They got to a little neighbourhood and as rae apparently expected,there was a bunch of little kids playing football.
"This is our neighbourhood and today is a big game for the boys cause it's the final of the little competition they created" rae said.
"Can i join?" Jude asked hoping he'll get ti play with them.
"Maybe after you're too big to be playing with them it'll not be fair"
After the match ended a little boy from the kids came running to rae then he jumped on her.
"We won rae,i won"ziggy said.
"Im proud of you zi" rae said then she looked at Jude who was standing confused.
"This is my little brother ziggy, zi this is Jude" rae said introducing them.
"I see you got some real good skills ziggy" Jude said.
"I wanna be a footballer when i grow up so i have to really work hard" ziggy said.
"Well can i play with you?" Jude asked
"Ofc, come on" ziggy answered immediately.
After a while of them playing it was time for Jude to leave.
"Let me walk you there i don't want you lost j" rae said
Jude smiled at the little nickname she has been calling him for a while now,everything he has seen about her is so likeable. He really likes her.
They had a little conversation and as they got to beach Jude asked her.
"So rae i'd probably sound stupid but i really like you and i wish you can give me your number" Jude said
"I guess it's your lucky day j cause i don't give my number to anyone,give me your phone"
She then gave him her number which was followed by Jobe calling Jude's name from behind
"Wtf bro i looked everywhere for you it's launch time im staving" Jobe complained
"I know a nice place j mini would you guys come?"
"Yes ma'am" Jude said dragging Jobe who's still confused of who's this stranger girl his brother has been with.

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