Chapter 3

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It was a rainy day. I texted my friend Tim, if he wanted to go out. He refused at first. Then I tried another move. ,,I got a spliff, you still don't wanna come?" He instantly said yes. So I hopped on a bus and went there, cause it's like a 10 minute drive. I met him in front of a grocery store, and we went to some spot. I lit up the spliff, and we smoked it in like 2 minutes. Then we went to the grocery store. We bought some energy drinks and sat on some bench outside. 10 minutes passed, and my friend Laura called. She said: ,,Let's go to Sandy's. Sandy's house is our da Crib. We hang out there, cause most of the time, her parents weren't there. Sandy lived like 2 streets from Tim, so I was like ,,Yeah, I'm close by, come and meet me on the bus stop. So Tim went home, and I took a short walk to the bus stop. Laura got off the bus, and we started heading towards Sandy's place. We were about in a half of the walk, when Sandy called that she isn't home so today we can't come. We had a small problem. I had a gram, that we were supposed to finish. I wanted to call Tim, but my phone died. So I logged in to my instagram on Laura's phone, and called Tim. I asked if he wanted to smoke some more. He obviously said yes, so we met on our bucket spot. It's basically just a fallen tree next to a stream, and there's a bucket style gravity bong. So all three of us took a hit and just sat there for a moment. When we stood up, it hit us. We looked on the stream, and Tim said: ,,Fuck, I am too high to do parkour through this stream." We stood there for like a 10 minutes, when Laura spotted a small island in the middle of the stream. So we jumped on the island, and then on the other side of a stream. We headed to my place, because we didn't have anywhere else to go. We were just chilling on a couch baked as shit, listening to some music, when Tim said: ,,Yo, I have some Quenti, wanna try?" For those who  don't know, Quentiax is a Benzodiazepine. So we popped some quenti, Tim popped his last Xan, and we continued chilling. Suddenly Tim's phone started ringing, and it was his girlfriend Angie. She told him to meet her on the bus stop, that was like 3 minutes from my house, so we went there. At that moment it started hitting me as hell. I was decently baked, and so were Tim and Laura. We met Angie, and Tim pulled out a pen. HHC-P pen. We took a few hits, and Tim went home, cause him and Angie went somewhere for the weekend. We walked Angie to train station. She was zooted as shit, while me and Laura were just baked. We sat there for like an hour, until train finally came. Angie hopped on and me with Laura went home. It was a long way, and we were sitting every ten minutes. We finally got home, and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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