the spark

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ivy had been working in the ministry for at least a month now and she had settled in quite nicely. She made friends with her new co-workers in the surrounding offices and had restrained herself so as to not punch ms Dolores Umbridge or as Ivy called her umbitch in the face. she found that the minister was definitely not as nice as he had seemed. she had heard from other people that he would always suck up to the "nicer looking" women. the truth was ivy really wasn't surprised by this at all, she had had her fair share of....interesting bosses In her life, and at this point she was used to it.

"Ivy!" the minister called out in his usual tone, she took up and walked into his office "Yes sir" The man was in between two massive piles of paperwork so he simply just pointed to his cup signaling for her to go get him another cup. ivy nodded and took the cup to go and fill it, the man was picky his tea had to be made by hand. when she closed the door she let out a sigh and walked down to where the kitchens were located. she still had trouble finding the kitchens due to the fact they were in the depths of bloody nowhere they were only really meant for the house elves.

when ivy eventually made her way down she surprisingly saw Donna and Olive sitting there with cups of tea, Olive was another lady who worked upstairs. ivy and Olive got along pretty well, Olive gave Ivy advice on how to handle the minister seeing as she had been his assistant before, but she left because... come to think of it Ivy didn't actually know why she had left the position. olive walked up to the girls with a smile and sat with them for a minute or two, "afternoon ladies who are we bitching about today?" Ivy said with a laugh," For once nobody" Ivy gave Donna a surprised look.

"Really? Then what's going on" Ivy was honestly very interested now. olive perked up,"Well there's this club and they're taking on new acts for tomorrow night" Ivy instantly knew what Olive was going to suggest, Ivy and Olive first bonded over their love of performing and singing, "Olive no, no fucking way I'm not doing it" ivy spoke with a firm tone so as to get her point across. ivy stood up and began making the tea, Olive kept pushing to get her to perform," Oh come on Ivy please it could be good for you" Ivy didn't even respond.

"I better get this back upstairs ill see you two later" and with that, she left. when she reached the lift she stepped in and leaned on the back wall. she knew she would be in here for a while. As she grew closer to her floor the lift stopped and a man got in. It was the same blond-haired man she just couldn't seem to remember his name. when he stepped in the lift he looked at the woman "Afternoon miss moody" Ivy nodded "Afternoon Mr..." Her mind had gone blank she really couldn't remember his name. he must have noticed because he yet again looked taken aback by the fact she both wasn't intimidated by him and she couldn't even remember his name, why did he even want her to know his name she was just some girl, a coffee bitch. regardless he decided to be somewhat kind and help her out, "malfoy?" he said plainly

at that moment Ivy lost her composure "Oh ha that was it why couldn't I remember that" she realized she had snapped out of her usual professionalism. She looked at the man who had an unusual look on his face, it wasn't a smirk, is that a smile??? As the lift was a floor away from ivys stop they came to a halt with a jerk and an awful cranking sound, the lights began to flicker and then went out completely. not many things could scare Ivy but being trapped in a small dark box was one of the few that terrified her. She found herself sitting on the floor in the corner of the lift holding her wand up for light, she had he knees up to her chest in an attempt to calm herself

she noticed malfoy looking at her with a glint of curiosity in his eyes "sorry about this Mr malfoy this is just a fear of mine" she felt herself panicking, she was trying to hard to calm herself but it just wasn't working, the blond-haired man without thinking took the woman's hand and said "its fine and enough with this Mr malfoy shit you clearly can't remember my name just call me lucius" something about his tone of voice calmed her.

after a moment she snapped out of it and realized what she was doing,"shit im sorry" Before he could say anything Ivy had formed a plan to get out, she stood on a hand bar and pushed herself up to the roof of the lift, she pushed out one of the pannels and climbed out, lucius just kinda stood there and watched. one she was up she reached out a hand and pulled him up, he was taken aback by her strength. once they were up she muttered a simple spell and boom they had been freed from their box of doom.

ivy turned to the blond-haired man "thank you for calming me down Mr malfoy" he shook his head "I meant what I said call me lucius ms moody" ivy couldn't help but smile "then I must insist you call me ivy lucius".

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