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lucius sat at his desk thinking about the events that just occurred. he didn't know how exactly to feel about it. he hadn't really given it much thought until now, the fact the woman had climbed out of an elevator with no assistance was honestly quite impressive. by looking at her he wouldn't have expected her to be that strong. something about her caught his eye, something about her intrigued him. he tried to brush it off because after all he was married, but he just couldn't shake the feeling.

tho his marriage was not filled with love he still respected the woman. you may find yourself wondering about how a marriage couldn't be filled with love, back in his youth lucius and Narcissa were arranged into marriage by their families. Unfortunately, they didn't really have a choice In the matter. Their marriage was not made with the intention of their happiness but the intention of an heir and the joining of two families and of course some financial gain, in other words, they were sold like cattle.

lucius sat at his desk for the rest of the day pondering that one thought in his head over and over again. before he knew it, it was 6 am. he picked up his bag and began walking to the exit. As he was walking he could see the minister and that girl in front of him, god what was her name again? Isabella,irean, no it was... Ivy yes that was it he thought to himself as he walked. 

lucius had some paperwork to drop up to the minister so he thought why not drop it off and head up to lunch, when he got to his office he found Ivy sitting in her usual spot working away on things that didn't concern him, he cleared his throat to get her attention.

"excuse me.." it was rare that Lucius Malfoy was quiet around people, especially women but when it came to Ivy he was... different. ivy glanced up "Afternoon Mr malfoy I wasn't aware you and the minister had a meeting today?" she said in her usual professional but kind tone, it took lucius a moment before he spoke, "I don't, I have some paperwork for him" ivy nods "I don't think he's busy at the moment I'm sure you could just head in" she gave a kind yet professional smile and nod. 

lucius walked into the minister's office finding the minister sipping away at some tea, they spoke for a moment and to put it simply the minister revealed he didn't really do paperwork anymore and that it was mostly ivys job so he should just hand it to her and she would handle it. lucius simply nods and steps out. 

he felt his heart flutter somewhat as he walked back to ivys desk, why was he feeling like this he never felt like this, he tried his best to remain composed as he walked to her desk, he must have not been doing a very good job because ivy looked quite concerned when he walked up to her desk.

"Mr. Malfoy are you alright you don't look very well at all, do you need some water or something?" her tone was again kind but professional. "oh yes I'd appreciate some water" Ivy nodded and handed him a small cup, lucius sips his water before handing her the paperwork. she glanced over them, "anything, in particular, I need to know?" she asked in her usual tone but this time with a smile, Mr malfoy simply shook his head trying to remain composed. 

as he turned to leave he felt himself stumble, ivy took notice and was quickly by his side, "Woah woah hey there you alright?" she helped him to a chair "no disrespect sir but you look terrible" now that ivy mentioned it lucius was feeling somewhat out of sorts. lucius tried to brush it off but Ivy was persistent as ever, lucius couldn't help but smile at the fact she seemed to care for him even if it was just in the way of a co-worker, it felt nice to have someone who actually took notice of things for once and wasn't just cold and distant. 

ivy ended up sitting with him until she convinced him to go home, she even took the time to walk him out to his car in case he felt unwell again, ivy kept telling herself it was just because he was a co-worker but deep down she knew she wanted to make sure he was ok and come on who wouldn't want to spend more time around an attractive and handsome let alone husky man such as lucius malfoy after all ivy didn't think anything would come of it it was all just some playful banter to her even tho deep down she knew if she was offered more she would definitely take it, after all, it was lucius malfoy. 

as lucius sat in his car on the way home he couldn't help but think about how kind Ivy was to him back there, he wondered if they could ever be something more than just co-workers, then he thought to himself no, no he shouldn't think of that he's married sure he wasn't happy but he was still a faithful man and after all tho he and his wife were not happy she had always been faithful to him so who was he to be thinking of another woman, as he steps out of the car and walks into the manor he walks into his bedroom...

(to be continued)

ahhhh guysss I'm back I'm so glad to write this chapter and get it out to you all its been a while but I finally have my new laptop and I hope to be posting more regularly now!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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