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I had no choice but to be abandoned.

I had no choice but to follow my fathers footsteps.

I had no choice but to be the Green Ninja.

I had no choice but to fight my father.

I had no choice but to watch my friends die because I wasn't good enough.

I had no choice but to fight for my rights.

I had no choice but to be possessed by a master.

I had no choice but to watch my friends fade away, then fade away myself.

I had no choice but to watch the villains prevail.

I had no choice but to watch the girl I love betray me, and resurrect my father.

I had no choice but to watch the people who I once love terrorise my town.

I had no choice but to watch people wrongly sacrifice their lives.

I had no choice but to watch innocent people die and suffer.

I had no choice but to watch my city go up in flames, just like my monastery.

I had no choice but to lose my second love.

I had to no choice to but to watch my friends die one by one.

I had no choice but to watch my friends get enslaved, along with myself.

I had no choice but to watch my friends and family suffer.

I had no choice but to watch my friends sacrifice themselves.

I had no choice but to be helpless.

I had no choice but to watch others do better then me.

I had no choice but to give up my life to save the world.

Guess you could say I'm the boy that had no choice? I guess you could say, I had to bow to fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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