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"What... What is this?" Kuroi slowly entered the cargo container, a droplet of sweat tearing down his head. The small Devil cowered in the corner: Fearful yet feisty, it started to hiss at Kuroi, shaking and bleeding, slowly collapsing to the floor in exhaustion and blood loss. Kuroi's dreams of family was immediately gone, and replaced with extreme worry. He slowly inched over to the Devil and knelt down, placing a palm on its back, trying to calm it down, he blinked.

A white void. 

"Huh? What in the hell? Where am I?" He looked around, before looking back down at the Devil, which was now sitting upright like an animal, still bleeding and bruised. 

"I'm being tortured." A strange high pitched voice left the mouth of the Devil.

"By..." Kuroi, furrowed his eyebrows. "No... Not Akane.."

"The woman is going to kill me, I don't want to die." The oddly calm Devil continued to speak.

"She won't hurt you anymore if I make a contract with you, alright? I just need to make a contract so me and her can be Private Devil Hunters, we'll leave you alone after that." 

The little Devil shook its head, staring back up at Kuroi with its glowing red eyes behind the guard of its katana mask-like face."She is more of a Devil than me, she does not want to hunt with you, she only wants to use you after you've gotten my power. I fought alongside the Horsemen, against the Chainsaw, and your sister is nothing short of on par with The Control. You've been manipulated." 

"What? No, that... That can't- She's my sister! She wouldn't use me, we're family."

"I've known her longer than you have, and I have seen friends of hers be put to death for being useless to her, for giving pity to me." The Devil stated without emotion, Kuroi held his head. 

"No, please.. I thought I could retain what was left of my family with her I... I..." He didn't want to admit it but deep down he already did, he had to be against her, as painful as it sounded he had to. So she wouldn't hurt more people nor Devils for her own gain. "How do I get you out of here?"

"I have a contract for you, in turn of my safety, and protection from her. I will grant you with immense capabilities, and overpower her for our escape."

"What do I have to give to you for it?"

"It is already happening."

Korui snaps out of the white void trance, and is back in the cargo container, but the Devil isn't there anymore. He looks around, finally looking down into his chest. "Huh...?" Korui sees a katana merge into his chest, he feels his heart contorting and changing. Visions of the Devil's memories flash before his eyes, the pain and suffering Akane had to do to it to get into this weakened dog-like state, he could feel it. 

Akane stands outside the container, exhaling in disappointment she steps away from it, turning around and throwing her right arm forward out of her hoodie. "Snake, swallow the container whole." 


Snake appears at the location of where the container once was, only the sound of its jaws clamping down and securing its prey were heard, and silence came thereafter. Akane lowered her hand, a nail missing from her index finger, a face of grief loomed on her before it was washed away back to neutrality. She turned around beginning to leave, before sounds of.. Something, emanated from snake, she turned around slowly.

Slash, Tear, Rip...

The top of Snake's head started to jitter, and convulse.




2 SWORDS SHRED FROM THE TOP OF SNAKE'S SKULL, a man climbs out from the newly opened head of The Snake. Akane, watches in shock as the man leapt down, covered in blood.

 Akane, watches in shock as the man leapt down, covered in blood

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"A... A Hybrid.. That can't be.." Akane stuttered, before her pupils widened, like a snake preparing for its hunt.

She raised her hand.

"I don't know what the hell you want with me or my new friend, sis, but the only family I have now is Grandpa, not you." 

"Snake, tail

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"Snake, tail." A fingernail disappears from Akane's middle finger.



Kuroi suddenly gets slammed across the chest into the wall of the warehouse. He stabs his swords onto the end of the tail thats pinning him on the wall, and drags himself onto the tail itself. He starts to run across the tail, trying to get to Akane.

She does another hand motion, the nail from her ring finger disappearing. The head of The Snake dove at Kuroi from the front, though he leaps up, impaling one of his Katanas into the snake's head and runs down the length of its body, starting to slice it into 2. Akane starts sweating, she aims her hand at Kuroi.

More nails fade from her fingers.

Kuroi stands on the body of The Snake, slashing and ripping through each tail thrown at him with devastating power, Akane starts to look at her fingers, only one nail left. Her breathing is panicked, and sweat starts to pour down her face.

"S-Snake, tear him to shreds." Her final nail disappears, and her nose starts to bleed.

The Snake launches a full onslaught on Katana Man, tails from multiple directions swing at him, and its the arms on its jaws unlock and open for a massive gaping maw. Kuroi looks around, exhausted, he looks to his bladed arms, he breathes heavily. Akane smirks as she throw her hand down, commencing the attack of every tail and head on him.

He kneels in defeat his right arm to his side, and his head tipped down.


The head slams down on him, ending the fight once and for all.

Akane steps back, her fingers bloodied, her nose, bleeding. She breathed a sigh of relief, before bumping into something, one of her bangs fall off from her scalp and fall to the floor. A realization halts her breath, a wave of fear sinking into her heart.

Kuroi stood behind her, and simply walks away in silence. 

Akane's breathing went quiet, The Snake Devil was poised motionless, still in its attacking position, before-


The Snake falls into cleanly sliced thick large chunks to the warehouse floor, erupting a wave of dust and vines into the air, blood spewing from its severely dismembered body.

Makima sits at her desk, reading a folder on Kuroi Sawatari, she smiles, writing down something in his info file.


KATANA MAN, VOLUME 1Where stories live. Discover now