Chapter 20 - A Bird's View

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The next day they woke at dawn and found Skral skinning a hare by the fire. They had left the rest of the items in the fortress untouched, not wanting to tempt the ill fate for taking too much. Eriu brought the circlet and Knox the small stones.

"I learned by watching," Skral said simply at Knox's questioning glance.

"Good," nodded Knox. "For you shall be able to help with the task more often then. I catch them and you skin them."

"Very well, young Knox."

Knox paused in warming his hands by the fire. "How was it that you all knew my name before I even arrived?"

The Druid smiled. "Ah, but you came to us in a vision long ago. We only knew your name and that you were of the wolf, but as far as that we had no idea to your warrior prowess."

"Hey, is that some kind of joke?" Knox wouldn't take any chiding, Druid or no.

"Not at all, Knox. You proved yourself with the Fugrah. Word of that task has spread wide and far, to the Bronze Men in the south, to the Nordners in the north."

"Norders and Bronze Men," spat Knox. "What do I care for their thoughts concerning me? My only wish is to fulfil my duty here and return with Eriu to my clan."

Eriu blanched.

"What is it, mo cuishle?" said Knox, making Skral smile at the sentiment, but Knox ignored him.

"Knox, there's something I have to tell you."


"When... If I return, I'm to lead the Druids."

"But that means... No, you can't. We're meant to be together."

"I know, but it was asked of me, and I cannot deny my people."

Knox stormed away, leaving Eriu and Skral at the fire, and struck off north. They could follow him at their own leisure.

Was it too much to ask for once? He finally found a woman that he loved and now they had to be separated, for all knew that the Isles of the Druids was strictly for Druids. Yes, once every while he could visit, but he wanted to spend every waking moment with Eriu. She was his life's blood, his beating heart, and now she was being ripped away from him.

Life just wasn't fair. But then as an orphan prone to solitude in the mountains, hadn't he always known that?

He slowed his pace when the sun was highest in the sky and spent an hour by a frozen stream, using a thorn wrapped in some line to try to fish for food, but the stream was empty of fish and it was a cold Knox who Eriu and Skral came upon. He stuck his hands in his pockets and nodded to them.

"So you've finally decided to re-join the group?" asked Skral, smiling his crooked smile.

Tapa looked at him sideways in her accusatory expression, as she had remained behind with Eriu after he'd stormed off.

Knox shrugged. "I guess if it is the will of the Gods who is a mountain man to question it?"

Eriu tilted her head also. "Don't be like that, Knox. You know I love you."

"I'll just give you a moment." Skral went to inspect a berry bush, even though they were empty of berries during the Cold Days.

"Eriu, it's fine. I understand you have responsibilities, it's just I thought I could show you all my favourite places in the mountains, and we could spend the next Cold Days alone in a cabin I built."

"That sounds lovely, Knox." Eriu placed her hand on his shoulder. "And things will change, trust me. The Druids won't be as cut off from the mainland as they are now."

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