Chapter 22 - Buried

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They found Knox nestled in the trees, gore splattered around him, with Tapa lying up against him. He was naked, skin raw from the cold, but it was what was beside him that drew Eriu's eye.

"By the will of the Gods!" cried Skral.

For there beside him was the corpse of a Dark One. It's skin was hide with oddments of leather armour, and a leather helm, two protruding horns wrapped around the front of its head, and its wide eyes were pale yellow slits.

"We need to get him warm," said Eriu, who took some flint and set to starting a fire. Skral collected firewood and soon they had a nice sized fire going. Eriu wrapped Knox in the stag hide and lay him beside the fire, then began to rub the warmth back into him. An hour or so passed before his eyes opened.

"Mo cuishle," he whispered.

"I'm here Knox." She put her hand up against his cheek, which was shivering from the cold.

"What-What happened?"

"You saved us, is what happened." Skral carried a hare back into camp. "You are a changeling, Knox, you have the heart of a wolf, and last night you changed shape into the largest wolf I've ever seen."

"A changeling? It explains why I'm naked, I guess."

"You killed most of the wolves," said Eriu. "Do you remember any of it?"

Knox nodded. "Bits and pieces. I know why I can taste blood in my mouth then."

"You feasted on their flesh," said Skral. "You are a strange one, Knox of the Bloom."

They spent the day by the fire, feeding the flames, and that night the Chah Stone burned in a bright red hue. The forest around them was filled with the sound of movement, but none of the Dark Ones approached their fire.

"Can you see any of them?" asked Skral.

Knox shook his head. "No, they stay beyond the light. I think they fear me."

"As they should." Skral finished cooking the stew of hare and dished them out each a clay bowl of it. They took turns taking watch, Eriu went first. A light snow began to fall, covering their tracks. Just before dawn she thought she heard someone speaking, but it might have just been the wind whispering through the trees. She woke Skral who took his turn and Eriu dreamed of giving birth to a litter of pups, all with Knox's beautiful eyes.

At dawn Knox dressed in the spare tunic, cloak and boots they carried, and they set off north once more, having to climb another ascent, using the rope.

They came upon the second temple at midday, a pyramid of stone, surrounded by doldrums, with an entryway to each side of it. As before torches burned brightly, throwing their bright blue flames onto the ground around them. Skral would not set foot inside, but Knox and Eriu entered. The air inside was stifled, with runes covering the vine-choked stone, and in the centre of the temple they found a skeleton sitting on a large throne made of solid stone, having been carved from the temple. The skeleton was ten times larger than a man, with a circlet similar to the one Eriu wore on its head, and rings of wood covering its fingers. In its mouth was a dagger made of what Eriu thought was stone but Knox shook his head.

"This is no metal I have ever seen before. We would be foolish to leave it behind." Knox gently opened the skeleton's mouth and took out the knife, slipping it into his belt. They searched the rest of the temple, finding a rough map etched onto one side of the interior, and it was a double of the leather map he carried.

"It seems like the relic must be in the temple further to the north."

"Great," sighed Eriu, for her hands were chafed from the cold.

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