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We now see both izuku and Ben in a huge forest as Ben starts talking to izuku I can make you hero but why do you want to be one?oh that's easy ever since I was a kid I've always wanted to be able to help people who can't help themselves and saving someone puts a smile on people hope is all I've ever wanted says izuku.thats all I needed to hear izuku now I need to know if you're ready for this burden,what burden izuku asks,the burden of the Omnitrix,the Omni what?
God damnit the thing that lets me transform into all those alien forms says Ben,wait alien?asks izuku,the omnitrix is a Device created to bring peace to the universe to wear this watch means to carry the weight of the universe on your shoulders so do you accept says Ben,yes I do all right then you should be ready for this.what? Ben then quickly brings out a a small square and presses the center making wristbands extend from it and then taps a button making it jump towards izuku and latches on to him,ah ah ah get it off get it offff izuku screams pulling on it then falling on the floor,hahahahahaha that's a classic,it feels better when it happens to someone else,wait you knew this would happen?of course I did I was counting on it idiot

From a distance

Wait did that man just give young midoriya a quirk that's not possible unless he is an accomplice of all for one and if that's the case izuku is in lots of trouble said all might well I have to go train my own apprentice back at dagoba beach

Back with broccoli boy

So now you have your Omnitrix il start training you says Ben,huh wait why are yours and mine different asks izuku oh mines the upgrade and can safely upgrade the transformations into ultimate forms says Ben,huh no fair why can't I do that? because everyone has to start somewhere midoriya so your gonna be using that one your lucky I didn't give you the prototype Omnitrix.ok so what do we do now,now we get you your first transformation kiddo just do as so and slam down on it.ok says izuku as he scrolls through his transformations and finnaly finds the right one for him and slams down and in a flash he is an orange looking standing dinosaur,huh says izuku what's happening,you transformed idiot try punching a tree he tells izuku as izuku punches and makes a shock wave that tears through a line of trees.whoa so cool says izuku'no no not cool says Ben we need that power under control so you don't hurt who your saving says Ben we"ll come back to this later but right now i need a couple chilli fries so come with me says Ben as he drags izuku to a chips store and buys them both chili fries and reaches into his empty pocket,hey kid can you pay,huh but your supposed to treat me,huh never said that.izuku then sweatdrops and pays the waiter the money as him and izuku have a conversation.hey kid so where do you live,huh says izuku.i said where do you live I gotta meet your mom says Ben asks izuku,oh sure come with me

At izukus house

I can't do this anymore I'm gonna start writing in my og style and sometimes switch

Continue the story

Izuku:are you sure my mom knowing is a good idea

Ben:oh itl be fine says Ben

As izuku leads Ben to his house and as they open the door inko spots them

Inko:hi sweetie is this one of your friends

Izuku:well kind of

The two then explain everything to inko and beg her to let Ben train izuku and eventually she relents and Ben and izuku cheer

Inko:oh and Ben it's okay if you stay here it's the least I can do

Ben:sure(at least I'm not homeless anymore)thanks

Inko:your welcome

Ben: celebratory smoothie ?

Izuku:you paying?

Ben:never mind

Ben:all right chop chop time to train

The two then go back to the woods and for the rest of the day start training izuku on how to use humongousaur

Next morning

Ben:wakey wakey eggs and bakey time for training but first breakfast your mom's prepared it and it's a Saturday so no school

Izuku:uhhh five more minutes

Ben then slaps izuku awake making the poor boy recalibrate his bodily functions

Izuku:I'm awake

Ben:good time for breakfast

Both boys go to the dinner table and have breakfast making sure izuku is well fed and then taking him to the forest as Ben tells izuku about the lesson

Ben:today's lesson is gonna be other worldly

Izuku:what does that mean?

izuku says before being sucked up by a beam and appearing in a ship in outer space in another universe

Ben:all right now follow me Ben says as he takes Ben into a ship

Izuku:this is soooooooo cooooll I'm in space!!!!!!!!


Ben then flies them away onto an uninhabited planet

Ben;this is where il be training you from now on

Izuku:Soo cool

Ben:now turn into a speedy alien like xlr8

Izuku does just that and turns to xlr8 while Ben turns into something new

Izuku does just that and turns to xlr8 while Ben turns into something new

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By Dog man

This is a transformation I didn't tell you about in the lecture and with it I can break the sound barrier while running and move several times faster than light while on all fours says Ben, incredible complements izuku.but il slow down so you can keep up though says Ben.where gonna race around this planet first one back here wins in 321 go Ben says as he booms fair I wasn't ready izuku says as he dashes breaking the sound barrier as he can't control his speed as he hits everything and is in a daze as Ben comes back.remember the Omnitrix gives you all the info on the alien you turned into naturally,you just have to trust your instincts says Ben,yeah izuku says as he calms down and booms of this time being able to see and maneuver through the terrain easy while catching up with Ben before he speeds up again leaving izuku in the dust as the race continues and declaring Ben the eventual winner as they go back home with Ben planning to give izuku a crash course on the aliens in the Omnitrix and dreaming about all the different smoothie flavours

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