ua entrance exams

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Over the past one month Ben trained izuku like a slave driver pounding in the uses of his aliens,how to use them,control of his forms and Thier biology and passives as well as all Thier scientific names.he also taught izuku fighting so izuku could hold his own without the omnitrix and over all just taught izuku about the order of things in his universe

Morning of the ua entrance exam

Ben: c'mon izuku wake up your gonna miss the entrance exam

Izuku:yeah yeah I'm up (groogily)

Ben:you don't look like it

Izuku:I'm awake in the spirit

Ben then drags izuku to breakfast an then outside and pushes him into a lake

Izuku:ahhh not cool man

Ben:then wake up in the land of the living

Izuku:I was already awake

Ben: ofcourse ofcourse

Izuku:Ben I really have to thank you for all you've done for me you've made it possible for me to achieve my dreams Ben

Ben:ehh no biggie,I promised I wouldn't go back untill I see you graduate ua anyway

Izuku:thank you Ben I owe you everything

Izuku the hugs Ben tight and starts crying waterfalls

Ben:c'mon man my jacket

Izuku:sorry "sniffles"

Ben:before I take you to ua I have to tinker with your Omnitrix a little

Ben then proceeds to lock all of bens really op aliens and gives Ben a time limit of 10 minutes as well as nerfing Thier capabilites so izuku isn't insanely ahead of his class and actually have challenges(he hopes)

Him and izuku then go to the ua building as he wishes izuku good luck and sends him of for the exams

Izuku is then walking into the building as katsuki just shoves into him not even saying a word which surprises our broccoli boi he then goes into the building as he is greeted by a pro hero and is then led to the written exams which he then takes and does decent enough in

Izuku:phew hope I passed the written exam but now it's time for the practical exam

Izuku then goes into the hall and is sat right next to bakugo which irritates the angry pomerian but he keeps quiet

Then suddenly present mic comes into the hall and starts explaining how the practical exam works when suddenly a blue haired Giant gets up

Ilda:excuse me!! But on the paper you gave us it says there are four robots but your speech said 3,is this kind of mistake what you expect us to tolerate in ua

Pmic:thank you young man I was just getting to that as you can see the paper says there are 4 but only 3 of them are worth point the 4th one is worth zero points and you should avoid it

Lida:thank you!!!!! And you with the curly green  hair turn of your watch it's glowing to bright!!


All right it's time now go to the fake city and get ready

All the students go to the starting point as they wait and get ready as izuku cycles through his forms knowing he can only pick one so he has to make it quick.and as p mic tells them to begin he slams the dial and everyone looks at him he disappears in a blur going through robots like paper throwing punches kicks and running through them faster than even the cameras can see as izuku starts counting as he smashes through them 46 47 48....he then sees a 3 pointer about to nail someone so he then rushes at them and gets them out of the way quickly before it can hurt them

Izuku:your okay

In the viewing room

Toshironi:(no way that's midoriya,the only way a quirkless person can gain this much power is through all for one)

Nezu:looks like we have a promising batch this year

Powerloader:who's that velociraptor that's tearing through the robots like paper

Aizawa:says here his name is izuku midoriya and he's registered as quirkless

Power loader: impossible a quirkless person can't move faster than cameras

Aizawa:sounds rational to interrogate him

Nezu:noo he'll  reveal the source of his power on his own.but for now it's time to release the 0 pointer

Nezu presses the button and in the city a rumbling is heard as xlr8 looks up and sees a robot and a brown haired girl with lightning surging through her rescue people with decent he sees someone trapped under the rubble he then rushes over lifts the rubble and grabs the person out of there while taking a runners stance and in the blink of an eye disappear from sight making a sonic boom as he runs everywhere around the robot removing all its screws then running to the end of the city and back to deliver a super sonic punches at the robot making it explode then stopping time he then saves anyone who would have been caught in the explosion as time runs out

Izuku:whew I have to have passed I did so well!!

Recovrey girl then comes in looking for anyone who needed healing so she could heal them of Thier injuries as ua eventually sent them home telling them they would receive mails next week telling them if they passed as izuku still having about 2 minutes of xlr8 left he rushes home and opens the door

Izuku:I'm home

Inko:hi sweetie how was your exam


Izuku:I did really well I have to have passed

Ben:high five

They both high five

Ben:I knew you could do it

Izuku:thank you,thank you so much without you my dream couldn't have been possible

Ben:it's no problem now let's go get some smoothies and chilli fries and its on me this time

Izuku:yesssss finally

They go to the chips store and a smoothie shop and eat untill Ben takes izuku back into the woods as he says

Ben:izuku this is your test

Izuku:test? What do you mean Ben

Ben:I mean I'm going to evaluate you in a fight against me and if you fail then I go home right now


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