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"How do I look?" you ask, walking out of your room. The man you were asking was Dominik Mysterio, a childhood friend of yours. You'd grown up together and despite knowing you before you transitioned, he was always supportive and never slipped up on your pronouns. The two of you had seen less of each other once he'd started wrestling professionally, but this weekend he had stopped by the old neighborhood for a visit.
"Muy guapo," Dominik said, looking you over.
"You think so?" you check, remembering how different you'd looked when he still lived on the block, "I was pretty feminine when we dated." It had been during a point where you felt too dysphoric to actually enjoy much of anything, but you weren't about to say no to someone who you trusted and cared for. You'd even ended up exploring some of your shared kinks together, until both of you realized you were both more naturally submissive. It was a few weeks before you agreed being friends just made more sense. That was years ago.
"Remember when we were kids and changed into each other's clothes?" he asked, smiling at the memory, one even further back than the one you were thinking of.
"I'm so glad Rey didn't tell my parents," you admit. At the time, you didn't quite have the words to come out to yourself, let alone to your parents.
"Well," Dom continued, "that's when I first started to get a bit of a crush on you."
"No mames," you respond, shoving him playfully.
"It's true! I saw you and thought you looked better than you ever did in a dress," he insisted, "And it's still true."
"No arguing with that," you pretend to dust off your shoulders, making him laugh.

"Now, where are we meeting your cuties?" you ask, referring to the rest of the Judgment Day. While they weren't necessarily all dating each other, they were all dating Dominik. He'd only shown you a few pictures, but "cuties" was an understatement. You were glad the polyamorous nature of Dom's relationship meant you could check out his partners - and, admittedly, him on occasion - without feeling like you were hurting anyone.
"At the hotel room," Dominik replies, "The plane ride was pretty brutal, so we're keeping it simple today."
You nod before saying "Ready when you are."

Dom drives the two of you to the hotel in his rental, catching you up on the most recent and upcoming matches the Judgment Day has been dealing with. You update him on the neighborhood and what you've been up to lately as well, and before you know it, the two of you are exiting the hotel elevator, Dominik leading you down the hall. Stopping at one of the doors, he knocks briefly before using the keycard to open it.
The room presumably looked nothing like most of the other rooms on this floor, as both two-person beds had been pushed together and the collective luggage of four people seemed to have exploded throughout the room - mostly dark clothing and an array of items that each had a 50/50 chance of being either ring gear or BDSM gear.
Looking over at you and Dominik once you entered, comfortable in the chaos, were his three partners. Two men were on the mattresses, one sitting and the other lying down, both seemed to have been asleep at some point.
"Introduce us, Dom Dom," a woman sitting on a chair in the corner says, authority in her voice.

"This is Rhea, Damian, and Finn," he told you, gesturing to each.
"Or Mommy, Papi, and Daddy," Finn said, watching Dominik's face turn pink.
"Everyone, this is-" Dominik continued, trying to ignore the comment.
"Your cute little boy toy," Rhea finished for him, making Dom turn red.
"He's not-" he protested.
"Don't you just love that his name is Dom but he's a sub?" Rhea asked you, savoring his discomfort. You laugh at the question.
"I can't believe I never put that one together myself," you say, gently elbowing a very flustered Dominik.
"You guys are so mean," he pouts, elongating the last word.
"Pobrecito," Damian said, making more room on the beds before patting the sheets next to him, "Why don't you pretty boys sit with us?"
You felt more than one pair of eyes following your movements as you and Dominik sat down between Damian and Finn.

Yelping as you jumped back up, you move the spiked collar you'd accidentally sat on, slightly embarrassed you hadn't noticed it there. Your hands slide along the sheets to make sure there aren't other things you need to move before gingerly sitting back down. Taking a closer look at the bedding surrounding you, there were a few actual kink-specific items in the folds: restraints, a plain leather collar, a bullet vibrator. You stared for a second, completely missing a look exchanged between Rhea, Damian, and Finn.
"Looks like you had a good time with Dom before he showed up at my place," you comment, doing your best not to sound envious.
"Actually," Rhea stood up and walked over to where you sat, "we were waiting."
"For what?" you ask, confused.
"For him to bring another pretty boy sub for us to play with," she flashes a smile, watching your expression as the words sink in. Looking over at Dominik, you see him blushing and looking uncertain. Putting one hand over his in reassurance, you bite your lip before addressing the three dominant figures surrounding you.
"Lucky me."

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