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Y/N pov
I was going back to Hogwarts for my fifth year! I can't wait to see all my friends, including Draco. Me and Draco had been enemies since day one but every time he says my name my stomach feels like it's flipping around for some weird reason. I haven't thought about it much but during the Christmas holidays I've been thinking about him more everyday.

"Y/n, it's time to go" I heard my mum call from downstairs "coming!" I say grabbing everything I need to go back to Hogwarts with. My mum grabbed the keys and off we went to the train station.

-time skip-

When we arrived at the train station I had all my things to travel with including my phone, charger, books, airpods, ect. I was waiting at the wall to enter platform 9¾ my mum and dad had me hold in a bear hug tight and kissing my forehead. "Bye hunny, text when you need us, you have (pet name), keep feeding she/her alright?" my mum had that worried expression on her face knew something was gonna happen. "Mum I'll be fine, don't worry." I turn towards dad., "Bye y/n I hope you have a great time in your fifth year" he handed my backpack to me with a big smile on his face. I turn to the wall between platform 9 and 10 and turn back to my mum and dad once more before looking at the wall.

It's time. I thought to myself as I ran up towards the wall going straight through. "Woah it's packed here" I scoft to myself as I looked around for my friends. I saw Aria Oakwood whom was in the same house as me, Slytherin. She has been my best friend out of the whole group and the only one I could really trust. "Y/N!!" I saw Aria running up to me "Aria!" As she got to me we hugged, now we just need to find Eli, Ellie (they are twins) and Poppy. We are all in the 5th year and the same house so we know each other pretty well.

We went on the train to go to our usual cabin (idk wtf to call them) as we went towards it me and aria saw them. We went to sit down as poppy was complaining about staying at her Grans for most of the holiday. "That sucks" I heard Eli say. "Well how are you two? How was the holidays?" Emma said to make Poppy shut the fuck up from talking about her Grandma. "It was alright, I guess.." Aria answered the question but I was looking outside the train window thinking about Draco Malfoy and wondered what he will do to me. He useally calls foul names like "bitch" or "bastard" or even "cunt" and his all time favourite. "Mudblood". Yes I know I am a mudblood but I don't need to get reminded about it every second of the fucking day.

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