Because of you.

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Dear Diary,

I saw you again today. We talked more. I told you that school had started back up, and you mentioned another high school, the one down the road from me, starts up tomorrow. Was that a hint?? You told me I should just switch to that school. I said no, because that school isn't a good one. Why did you suggest that?? Did you want me to go to that school? Perhaps because you do?  You were very cocky today, Chan. You openly tried to fluster me. I was struggling to open my bag because my hands were shaking, and I asked myself out loud why I was so shaky. You replied saying that maybe I was nervous. I agreed, saying that I have anxiety, so it'd make sense. You cut me off jokingly though, gave me that same stupid smile from before, and said; "It's probably because I'm here, isn't it?" I felt myself go weak for a moment but quickly rolled my eyes, playing it off. "You didn't say no." You said, trying to pry. Why were you so...flirty, today? I ignored you and payed. You laughed at my reaction and stated again; "You still aren't saying nooo~" I didn't say no because you were right. I was nervous because of you, you make my heart beat unbelievably fast. What are you trying to do, Channie? 



A/N: OKay so Imma change their ages a bit, Chan is now 18 and Minho is 15. Jesus, I'm sorry I know this is kinda weird- We'll see where this is going ;-;

3 years too much// Minchan?/Minsung?Where stories live. Discover now