long awaited occurrences

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after alan's dad had yelled at the entire football staff, the boy was embarrassed to say the least. sure, he would've liked to get his place on the field back, but he never wanted anyone to cause a scene. besides, he knew the only way to get his spot back was to be a better player. it was a problem he wanted to face himself, not one he wanted his dad to scream about until a solution was found. it was these many thoughts that were clouding his mind and keeping him from leaving his car to enter the school.

luckily for him, he had been assigned a parking spot right next to the only girl who knew how to make him feel better under any circumstances. maisie pulled up, not bothering to check her parking as she quickly shut the engine off. she had overslept, but a big history test barred her from skipping the day altogether. she barely had time to put on a decent outfit and slap some makeup on, so she was hoping she could go through the day without any ridicule.

she was going to beeline to the front doors, but when she saw alan just sitting in his car she couldn't move. it was risky, but she'd rather talk to him than take a test over the great war. not to mention, he looked especially good on this particular morning. maisie couldn't quite put her finger on why she was so incredibly attracted to him at this specific moment, but her eyes had practically jumped out of her head. she knew she just had to talk to him.

she opened up his passenger door, which he had unknowingly left unlocked, "what's up, bosley?"

the boy jumped at the intrusion, looking over at the girl with wide eyes, "yeah, just come on in, maisie. that's totally cool."

truthfully, he didn't mind at all that the girl had broken into his car. he would've liked better for her to have broken into his bedroom last night, but he was sure to make do with this situation as well. she seemed a little scattered, but alan thought she was beautifully chaotic. no matter how she acted or what she looked like, he could never seem to muster up any negative feelings towards the girl.

maisie laughed, shaking her head at the boy, "well, don't leave your doors unlocked, if you don't want unwanted guests."

"you're never unwanted." he replied, looking over at her with small smirk. he had been gathering the courage to ask her out since they went on that drive after last week's game. it had been a long time coming, and maybe the perfect opportunity had just fallen into his lap.

maisie sent back a smile, reaching out to place a hand on his arm, "is there a reason you're not going into school, romeo? is it because everyone's all over sunshine and not you?"

the boy laughed, knowing sunshine had gotten himself into deeper trenches than anyone could have expected. all over school, girls would just gawk or swoon. while he wasn't exactly popular with the boys, the ladies absolutely loved him. it was actually kind of funny. at least, that's what alan thought.

"nah, it's just..." he let out a sigh, annoyed to even have to bring up the subject. maisie was no stranger to the ways of alan's father, having learned a great deal on their last rendezvous. still, he didn't want her to think that he was all daddy issues and drama, "my dad pitched a fit in the coaches' office."

maisie sucked her teeth, rolling her eyes at the mention of his father. she didn't know every dirty detail, but she didn't need to. that was enough for her to deduce alan's contempt for leaving the car. she wouldn't leave the car either, if her mother had done something of that sort. it was embarrassing, and she hated that he had to go through that.

"i'm sorry," she replied, hearing the bell ring from the school. she had officially missed the start of her test. while that usually would've sent her into a spiral, she currently couldn't have cared less, "anything i can do to make you feel better?"

treacherous • alan bosleyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora