Chapter 2

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Third P.O.V 

           In the hospital five armed men came waling to the room with the girl they found in it along with a doctor and several nurses. As they approach the room the guards that they have there are staring into the room like they are observing something. They crept to the windows that surround the door and pear inside. To see the girl that they brought in some kind of pose.  She is not in her hospital gown anymore. But one of the guard's spare change of clothes but modified. Cargo shorts and a black tank top turned into a crop top. Which was a replacement set of clothes for one of the guards. 

          The hospital has yet to Identify her. There is a uniqueness to her appearance half of her hair is black and the other side is a white snow like color. The same goes for her eyes but the opposite. The side with the dark hair has a white almost like colorless eye. And the side that has the snow-colored hair and a jet-black eye that seems soulless and if you stare into it, you could get lost forever. She is tall. Well-built and looks highly trained. 

       Theo one of the guards that found her. Whined with one look at the cloths she is wearing. "Man, what did she do to my cloths" he said as he acted like a child stomping his foot around. 

"Well, you could always go in there and ask her." Smoke said. 

"No thank you, she scares me you remember when we found her. " Theo states with a pale grimace look on his face. Every person there had the same look on their face remembering the place and condition that they found her in. A concrete box with chains in the wall sitting cross legged. With bodies of guards and people from the mafia prison stronghold that they raided. She looked at peace when they found her, she was tan, so they thought at first that she was new to arrive but with further inspection she had scars littered all over her body. You could tell that somewhere from when she was a kid so there was no real date or timeline for how long she was there. 

"Yeah, no kidding she looks cold and numb to everything that goes on." Allen said in a disturbed facial expression. 

"We need to take more blood from her. There is something I would like to look into so can I try another DNA test " Doctor Mark asks. 

No one is on the inside the room other than her. As doctor mark enters the room her eyes snap open after hearing the door shut and footsteps getting closer to her. Her eyes and appearance post a mystery for the doctor. More her eyes than her hair although her hair is a close second. It is obviously not dye to the doctor and nurses as they have tested it. 

"Are you alright" Dr. Mark asks Winter. 

"Yes, I am fine" she signs. It confused everyone as they have heard her talk before even if it was only a couple of words. 

" I am sorry dear, but I don't understand what you are trying to say." Trying to get her to talk, but that trick was not going to work with her as she has already seen through the deception that has been laid out in front of her. 

"Then get a fucking translation" she signed Grey started smirking at that. Her eyes shifted from the doctor to Grey standing in the hallway in front of one of the observation windows. 

" Here you go can you write what you are trying to say." The doctor handed a small pocket-sized sketchbook to her. 

"Can I have some of your blood to run some more tests, do you happen to have a name."

Just out of spite winter choose to Morses code.

" ... ..- .-. . / .- -. -.. / - .... . / -. .- -- . / .. ... / .-- .. -. - . .-. " (Sure, and the name is Winter). That really confused the doctor. With the sheet of the paper in hand the Doctor left the room. While Winter went back to her pose eyes closed. 

"Does anyone know what this means" asks the Doctor. Steven one of the 6 men who saved her. Steven came forward to look at the piece of paper. 

"It is Morses code, Interesting."  He hummed to himself while translating it. 

"It says that she is fine with the blood draw and her name is Winter" 

"Winter that name sounds formular but how and why." The doctor buts in but once he says it aloud and spark alit in his head. " Can I run a DNA test against a specific family I am acquainted with?" He asked the leader of the squid. 

"Why do you need to ask for permission?" Jason the leader said. 

" Because this family isn't one to stay within the law. Ruling whatever place, they call home." With that small amount of information, they already know what organization he was talking about but not which family it was. The Mafia. It would also explain why they found her in the place they did. As kidnapping the heirs and heiresses of such family's is common. But to find her alive is what they are confused about because such children do not commonly stay alive for days let alone years which is evident in the marks on her body. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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