First day at camp... :/

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One day Ben was walking on the side of the road looking for a place to stay for the night. "Huh, stupid Jack kicking me out of OUR apartment, heck I was the one paying rent" said Ben to himself. Ben looked over on his right and saw a sign. The sign said, "Camp Pasta" Ben questioned himself? There was a path leading towards the camp, the path had blood trails. Ben didn't care, he walked on the path anyway.

Ben kept walking forward and saw a person, with a white hoodie and black jeans. The person was carrying a dead corpse, Ben yelled, "Hey... do you need any help with that corpse. " " fine, but you can get me a some pliers" said the man. "Pliers" ?

Sorry its been a while I've been really lazy. Im not gonna lie. XD

Jeff x Ben (Yaoi Warning) XDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora