Meeting Camp Members :P

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Ben started to walk to the sign he saw earlier and to see if there actually is a camp.  Ben saw the sign and seen a little cabin up ahead.  He walked towards the cabin and hoped to find pliers.  When Ben was walking towards the camp, a tall man jumped out, "Hello there, Welcome too...CREEPYPASTA CAMP, "yelled the tall man!!!

Ben backed up a bit wondering if this guy has problems or something. "Um...who are you, sir. " "I am Slenderman, ill be your camp counselor! " Ben really didn't care what he was talking about, all he cared about was getting a pair of pliers.

"So.......does your camp have any pliers"? XD LUL  "I don't know lets go check".  Ben and Slender man walked over to the camp and saw a couple of camp members.  But there was one that he knew, that one he knew...was Laughing Jack. O.O OH SHIT!

Welp I updated it a little. XD  Im not gonna lie I gotten really LAZY. But here's a little bit of the story. Ill update when I feel like it.  Which is probably gonna be about a week or two XD

Jeff x Ben (Yaoi Warning) XDWhere stories live. Discover now