Weird one.

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Izuku's POV:

Not gonna lie, it was really cozy here. They were tamking care of me and every now and then someone would come over to talk. I never would have thought it but it was possible to talk to Toga and Dabi. Who would have thought that, like seriously! It's been my second day here and everything was quite alright. I wasn't getting mistreated nor was I getting hurt or tortured or anything else. They told me to stay in this room for health reasons and not wander around which wasn't even my plan at all. 

Today was a bit different since I just saw Shigaraki enter the room and that is the man who basically broke my carier as a hero. I mean he did invent the nomus and pulled them out as well as planned everything where I was fighting. There is still this question in my mind, I couldn't solve at all. I really don't get why they would attack UA if they wanted to get All Might. Wouldn't it be easier to actually catch the man offguard and attack him at home?

Was this some unspoken rule not to do?

Ah I didn't know much about this and I was certainly not about to open up old wounds but I still don't like seeing the man walk into this room.

Shigaraki: Hello pipsqueek.

Me: Hello dryskin.

Shigaraki: ....

Me: What? You started it and I don't like people telling me how small I am and neither do you about your skin, right?

Shigaraki: Fair and good point.

Me: So why did you come?

Shigaraki: To talk obviously.

Me: About what was the question.

Shigaraki: Why did you not tell anyone about that condition of yours? No matter how much we all discussed this, no one could figure it out.

Me: Ah, you mean why I haven't told UA about this and had the best healer try her best?

Shigaraki: Exactly.

Me: Because I would burdon the lady and then everyone would pity me when they found out. This way they at least remember me as the kid who faught and had enough of this life.

Shigaraki: You are built differently.

Me: As are you.

Shigaraki: What do you mean?

Me: I mean you are going after All Might and attacked UA. No villain did that before.

Shigaraki: Because everyone fears UA... that's also the reason why I decided to attack it. It was a great statement to the world that nothing was safe from us.

Me: Totally agree with that.

Shigaraki: Anyways what happened that you lost your quirk?

Me: Ah that.... my body can't keep up with it at all. It was either get quirkless or die. Of course I chose the quirkless part.

Shigaraki: So you got rid of it?

Me: Sorta. I just can't use it anymore and even if I wanted to, I don't know how anymore. It's been a while that I stopped using it and if you knew my whole story than you would know that I was also a late bloomer so... I lived quirklessly for most of my life.

Shigaraki: Oh... I am sorry.

Me: Ah it's fine. We didn't know each other beforehand after all.

Shigaraki: And if, I think you would have become like us.

Me: Huh?

Shigaraki: Never mind. You are a great hero... well was one.

Me: Thanks. It's means a bit a lot coming from a villain like you.

Shigaraki: *sigh* I am not that great of a talker. So ama make this short.

Me: Okay?

Shigaraki: We are trying to get you back.

Me: So you are releasing me?

Shigaraki: No. We as the LOV have a reputation to lose if we do that.

Me: Then?

Shigaraki: We know that Hawks and some UA teachers are searching for you and we prepared a trap.

Me: Okay.....?

Shigaraki: We just need you to lay on a table and we will knock you out for a couple of hours, that's all. Nothing will happen to you or the heroes. We will dip when they come and that's it.

Me: And what's the trap?

Shigaraki: We have to move location and there will be a small nomu. He is a failure and completly week. They will have to fight that before they get to you.

Me: ....

Why did that sound more dangerous than anything else. I would be probably also strapped to the table and then wouldn't see, hear or basically encounter and remember any of this. Maybe this was for the better, who knows. Since there wasn't really a way out of this, I couldn't help but agree. This was still better than them getting rid of me which I still was sure they could do any moment.

Me: Alright.

Shigaraki: You are in?

Me: Mh. If that means I can get back to my normal life, why not?

Shigaraki: You are a weird one.

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