Die Rekruten

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The Graf Zeppelin School Ship dwarfed every other ship in the harbor and dominated the landscape. With the new students walking up the longest gangway they had ever seen.

Naturally many were nervous and apprehensive as Kuromorimine was one of the top school ships in the Country. The school is based in Kumamoto City. However, as their school ship is too large to dock at any of the ports in Kumamoto Prefecture, they have to dock elsewhere.

So, the students were taken by bus or train to a particular harbor outside of the city. All of the necessary paperwork was already signed, and exams were taken.

Some were there for academic purposes, or to perhaps learn the ropes of operating on the schoolships in Naval Studies.

But almost all of these new male recruits would be attempting to join their legendary Senshado team, who had previously won 9 national titles in a row.

Nine YEARS of straight dominance in the Senshado scene.

The school is highly focused on Senshado to the point where its Senshado team is held in adoration by the other students, the town, and the region's culture.

This emphasis creates a school atmosphere that places high value on the principles of justice, law-abiding conduct, persistence, and determination.

But it wouldn't be easy...

They only accept the best recruits due to their (ridiculously) high standards.

In addition, the strict and rigid, and sometimes straight-up harsh doctrines of the Nishizumi style, that the Senshado team seems to bring around thing hanging aura of pressure wherever they go, following them like a terrible stench.

But as mentioned before male students now have the privilege of taking part in the "Kuromorimine experience".

As the new students looked upwards at the gargantuan ship, we could hear laughter from deeper in the group of male students.

There seemed to be a student telling some hilarious jokes and his eager colleagues were getting a real kick out of it.

He had brown hair, and a relatively nondescript appearance, which was only offset by his personality, which was more akin to that of a class clown.

"Jeez Gian, that Priest joke almost killed me," said a student, catching his breath.

"Man, I gotta be careful. At this rate, jokes might as well be considered a bullet to the head. You almost ended up like Chrysippus!" said the brown-haired student called Gian student talking to himself,

Two more students behind him howled with laughter (likely not knowing what Chrysippus was).

Something was killing the eager mood, however.

That was their legs.

This ridiculously sized gangplank might as well be a stairway to heaven, it kept zigzagging upwards, to the point where you couldn't even see the top,


an electric sound.

Gian stared off of the side of the stairs,

An elevator, zooming upwards at an extremely fast rate,

Gian could hardly see who was inside,

"Gotta be some of those returning students," a boy said, from right behind Gian's back.

"Lucky Bastards" chuckled Gian. "Someday that will be us guys! I can promise you that!"

"I hope so" replied the boy behind him "My legs are killing me jeez!"

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