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Jungkook knew he was late for class but he couldn't do anything about it. And, it was his fault that he was awake all night reading a book. To his defence, the book was really interesting, you cannot blame him for that. Blame the book maybe.

He slide his hand through his hair. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. He looked good, he knew but he didn't know if he looked good enough for that one boy from music class. A smile automatically made through his face at the thought of that boy. God, he was so gone.

His watch showed that he had exactly 2 mins left to make it to class. So he was running with all he had. Pushing past the people in the hallway and apologizing without looking at them. His running feet slowly came to a halt as he reached his class.

The class was chatty which meant the teacher hasn't arrived yet. He let out sigh of relief and made his way into the class. Almost all the seats were taken and only a few left. But his usual seat wasn't taken and he went straight to his place.

After he put his bag in its usual place and taking out the needed notebooks for the class, he turned to look at who was sitting left side today. Usually no one sat to his left, but today he could see someone was there but with all the rush he really didn't take time to look at them.

He causally turned his head to the left and felt the air taken out of him. Because, in his left, was sitting Kim Taehyung. The boy he had an eye on. His lips parted slightly and he kept his eyes on the side profile of the perfect face he has ever seen.

He saw how the long lashes gently caressed the rosy cheeks whenever he blinked. He trailed his eyes down to the perfect slope of a nose and he really really wanted to boop. Before his eyes could travel down further more, he was startled by the sudden turn of Taehyung's head in his direction.

Taehyung looked at him with a raised brow and he swore he never turned his head so fast that it nearly broke. His neck turned an ugly shade of red with the embarassment of getting caught. And now, he had to act like taehyung's gaze wasn't affecting him. He kept his eyes straight, never turning it from the notebook.

He could see that taehyung was reaching out to him and he panicked. He will ask why he was staring at him like that and he didn't know how to answer such a question without being obvious. He bit his lips and played with the lip ring he had on.

Taehyung's hand was centimetres away from touching his and his breathing took a few paces forward.

And, the teacher decided that it would be the great time to enter the class. He saw from his peripheral vision that taehyung's hand was retracting already.

He didn't know if he should thank ot curse the teacher.

The class went smoothly and he occasionally stole some glances from taehyung. But he was subtle or that was what he thought. The teacher gave them a group project which must be submitted in two months. The group must consist of 4 members.

That's the problem, he could do it alone. But with other three people he didn't know, he wasn't so sure. He didn't know anyone from this class. His buddies were from dance class. They didn't take music because it wasn't for them. He could've persuaded them a little more so he wouldn't be in this situation right now.

He sighed and looked around the class. It looked like almost everyone already made a group of 4. And some had three people in it and they were looking for the last one. If he made a little effort, he could join in one of the those groups.

His eyes skimmed over the groups, finding one with a familiar face. He squinted his eyes trying to remember where he saw him. His eyes lit up after figuring out that he was a boy from his dance class. He has talked to him once or twice and his name was mingyu or mingi. 

He got up from his place to go to his dance class mate before they choose someone else. But a hand of his shoulder stopped him.

He took a deep breath before turning to look at whoever stopped him.

He choked on the deep breath upon seeing who stopped him. He was having a coughing fit, embarassing himself in front of Taehyung. And taehyung looked like he was trying so hard not to laugh. God, Jungkook will never inhale so much air again.

His cough subsided but his throat felt very rough. Like a sand paper. His eyes zeroed on taehyung's. He knew taehyung had a mole on the tip of his nose but he didn't know he had one on the waterline too. It only made him look more pretty.
Taehyung was so pretty up this close, he has never seen him this close. So forgive him for choking on nothing.

Taehyung lips made a movement and his eyes followed it. He saw how gracefully his lips moved. But, he failed to hear what sound it made.

He got out the trance when Taehyung lightly shook his hand in front of him. If embarassment were a person, it would be surely Jungkook.

"Ah sorry, what did you say?" Jungkook asked with a tilted head. Eyes looking at Taehyung intently and he swore he saw Taehyung smiled shyly under his gaze. Jungkook says he is not a delulu so believe him.

"I was asking if you would be interested in joining our group for the project..." He said with a smile. Someone hold Jungkook because Taehyung just smiled at him. He kept staring at Taehyung without answering him. Taehyung looked unsure and threw a glance at his teammates with a bite lip and lightly shook his head.

"It's ok Jungkook.. I understand if you don't want to join our group. We will find somebody-", Taehyung was cut off by a loud voice. Jungkook's voice to be precise.

Taehyung flinched back lightly because of jungkook's  sudden burst out.

"NO. I WILL JOIN YOUR GROUP. NO NEED TO LOOK FOR SOMEONE ELSE WHEN IM RIGHT HERE", Jungkook shouted to the whole class. When realisation falls on him, his neck turned the same shade of red. Can the floor swallow him right now?

"O..okay I'll text you about the project soon, here is my number", Taehyung said with a smile that said 'you're weird' but to jungkook it was 'you're cute'.

They exchanged number and Taehyung went back to his little group. Jungkook dashed out of the class before he can embarass himself more.

He went straight to the dance class where he knew most of his friends would be. He spotted them as soon as he entered the practice room. He went to them and put an arm around Jimin's much smaller shoulder. That boy went a little forward as he was not expecting that force.

"Owh Kook- you scared me", Jimin said, regaining his posture. He turned his head to look at Jungkook's face.

"Why do you look like that?", Jimin asked upon looking at his facial expression.

"Like what?" , Jungkook answered him with a question. He wondered if he was really that obvious. He could only imagine what Taehyung saw in his face. That thought made him groan.

"You look like you've just achieved something impossible like talking to Taehyung", Jimin answered with curious eyes searching his face.

Jungkook eyes turned double the size. Eyes casted downwards. Lips threatening to break into a wide grin.

"NO WAY YOU TALKED TO HIM", Hoseok yelled with eyes equally as wide as Jimin's. The two of them not minding the irritated glances thrown at the trio.

Jungkook shushed Hoseok and felt grateful that he didn't yell Taehyung's name. Taehyung's brother was also in that room, currently throwing them a glare for being loud.

"Can you atleast keep it quiet until we get back to our dorm?", Jungkook asked in a hushed voice, looking around to see everyone went back to whatever they were doing.

"Can't believe you made a move. I'm proud of you", Jimin said with his signature eye smile. And that sweet smile turned into a dramatic eye roll when he revealed that taehyung was the one who came up to him.

"I know you are a chicken", Hoseok said and jimin started to laugh loudly which grabbed the attention of everyone once again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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